Study implementation of MobX and Provider in a ToDo list app from Udemy course Criação de Apps Android e iOS com Flutter 2021. Simulates login, toggle password visibility, add new items to the list, toggle items as done with line through and color change, logout function with provider;
Current state: 100% working;
Next plans:
- Update layout with some nice title and/or icon;
- Delete items;
- Data persistence;
- Cloud login;
Contributions are welcome!
MobX is a state-management library that makes it simple to connect the reactive data of your application with the UI. This wiring is completely automatic and feels very natural. As the application-developer, you focus purely on what reactive-data needs to be consumed in the UI (and elsewhere) without worrying about keeping the two in sync.
A wrapper around InheritedWidget to make them easier to use and more reusable, that helps in resource sharing between widgets.
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