this project is build in c# .net framework
the project consists of an appointment scheduling agenda where each user has their own agenda and can check the times
the project was done using the concept of MVC, and dependency injection.
Furthermore, the focus was to train the integration of C# with services outside the application.
the S.O.L.I.D concepts were also used to better read the code, in addition to microsoft's own standards.
first you have to configure the appsettings.json
where the DefaultConnection
has to be set with the configurations of you database.
If you need you can use myCustomConnString
for the eliminate any error.
after this you have to build the migrations and update the database.
dotnet ef migrations add "message"
dotnet ef database update
to finished you net to compile the project, in the terminal you can run
dotnet build
dotnet run
This is a home page of application, built with bootstrap and javascript.