Boot task to continuously run a shell command, and restart it when files change. Good for running non-Clojure servers and when your files are compiled, or any time you need a daemonized command run and restarted in your boot project.
Include the project:
;; in build.boot
:dependencies '[mathias/boot-restart "0.0.2"])
boot-restart is meant to be used with your other boot tasks. For example:
boot watch compile restart --command "node app.js"
In your build.boot
you could call it like this:
(deftask run
(comp (watch) (restart :command "node app.js")))
See the boot project for more information on how to use these.
[c command COMMAND str "Command line to run continuously. Required."]
Copyright Matt Gauger 2015.
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.