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Joshua Stroup edited this page Oct 15, 2018 · 18 revisions

The following section will guide you through getting cuwo up and running in Windows.

  1. Either checkout the cuwo project from GitHub, or download a zip file of the project.

  2. Extract the zip file’s contents to your desired location.

  3. Install Python 3.6

  4. Install the (Visual Studio 2017 Build Tools, if you have Visual Studio 2017 C++ tooling installed you don’t need to install this.

  5. Install Cython and pyrr You need to use Cython version 0.26.1, run pip install Cython==0.26.1 to install it. You also need to install a pyrr version in the 0.9.^ range, 0.9.2 is the latest as of writing this. Run pip install pyrr==0.9.2 to install it.

  6. Build the C extensions for your system To build the native code needed to run the terrain generation system, etc., run python build_ext --inplace --compiler=msvc. This command will not work if you haven’t installed either Visual Studio or the Build Tools with C++ support.

  7. Edit config/ to your liking. You should perhaps edit server_name and the PASSWORDREPLACEME key, which is the default password for administration purposes.

  8. Run the server from the base directory of the project with python -m cuwo.server

  9. If you have any problems, come talk to us on #cuwo on EsperNet IRC or open an issue if you can reproduce the problem.

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