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Alexander edited this page Jul 21, 2013 · 18 revisions

The following section will guide you through getting cuwo up and running in Windows.

  1. Either checkout the cuwo project from GitHub, or download a zip file of the project.

  2. Extract the zip file’s contents to your desired location.

  3. Install Python 2.7.5

  4. Install pywin Build 218

  5. Install Twisted

  6. Install zope.interface 4.0.5

  7. You can either edit your environment variable to allow you to launch python by typing in cmd, or you can edit the run_server.bat and/or run_mitm.bat file in your cuwo folder to look like this:

    • run_server.bat: C:\Python27\python -m cuwo.server

    • run_mitm.bat: C:\Python27\python -m cuwo.mitm

    • This assumes that Python 2.7 installed in C:\Python27 (which is the default installation path).

  8. If you want to run the MITM server, you need to edit your server.exe (that came with Cube World) to accept connections on port 12346 instead of 12345 (which is the default). To do this, open your server.exe in a hex editor such as HxD, and find the integer "12345" (30 39 in hex) and change it to "12346" (3A 30 in hex).

  9. Run run_server.bat or run_mitm.bat and enjoy!

    • If you run the batch file and it opens and immediately closes, click Start, run cmd, navigate to the folder where you extracted the cuwo files, and run run_server.bat or run_mitm.bat from the command prompt to see what errors it gives.

  10. If you have any issues, come to #cuwo on espernet IRC.

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