Building the MDS-in-a-box project but stripping it down to only use DuckDB, dbt, Evidence, and Buena Vista.
git clone
cd nba_monte_carlo
make install
You can then launch the Buena Vista server that the dbt and Evidence processes will connect to by running make up
. In another
terminal window, run dbt build
to create all of the dbt models for the NBA Monte Carlo simulator, and then follow that up
by running npm --prefix ./reports run dev
to launch the Evidence data application on http://localhost:3000.
The Buena Vista server includes a simple SQL query UI that you can use for interactively running queries against the backing DuckDB
instance at http://localhost:3456, or you can connect to the Buena Vista server using your favorite Postgres-compatible
SQL client at port 5433.
Have fun!