Telegram bot that provides updated IRCC news through an RSS Feed.
Welcome to the IRCC News Bot! 🤖🇨🇦
Stay up-to-date with the latest Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) news and updates.
Here are some commands you can use:
- /help - List down all the possible commands
- /latest_news - Get the latest news
- /month [month] - Get news for a specific month (e.g., /month January)
- /full - Get the full news feed
- /last_draws - Get the last 5 IRCC draws
- /draws [number] - Get the last [number] IRCC draws
- /filter_draws [class] - Filter draws by class and shows the last 10 draws (e.g., /filter_draws CEC)
Filter Draw codes:
"CEC" - Canadian Experience Class
"FSW" - Federal Skilled Worker
"FST" - Federal Skilled Trades
"PNP - Provincial Nomination Program
November 21, 2024
- Analyzer Enhancements: Improved the analyzer to evaluate draws based on sufficient data points within each draw class.
- Chart Display Logic: Added logic to conditionally display charts only when there are enough data points.
- Error Handling: Revamped error handling mechanisms across the application for better reliability.
- Add creation of local log files for metrics tracking (Daily log files in a log folder) -> Function is there, but can't log in heroku without using add-ons or something like AWS S3
- Consider changing from polling to webhook for lower server usage
- Draw report
- Filter draws by class
- Specify occupations part of the draw
- Add link to the draw
- Evaluate the accuracy of the rolling average
- Add press meeting news and other relevant news
- Change /latest_speech to only show the current month news
- Improve chart headline to include specific draw class
- Improve styling of chart (red primary color)
- FAQ Menu feat/faqmenu
- Search news by keyword feat/menusearch