Contentful provides a content infrastructure for digital teams to power content in websites, apps, and devices. Unlike a CMS, Contentful was built to integrate with the modern software stack. It offers a central hub for structured content, powerful management and delivery APIs, and a customizable web app that enable developers and content creators to ship digital products faster.
Install Contentful Management from the Python Package Index:
sudo pip install contentful_management
Create a client:
import contentful_management client = contentful_management.Client('MANAGEMENT_API_TOKEN')
The api token can easily be created through the management api documentation.
Retrieving all spaces:
spaces = client.spaces().all()
Retrieveing one space by ID:
blog_space = client.spaces().find('blog_space_id')
Deleting a space:
client.spaces().delete('blog_space_id') # or if you already fetched the space blog_space.delete()
Creating a new space:
new_blog_space = client.spaces().create({'name': 'My Blog', 'default_locale': 'en-US'}) # default_locale is optional
In the case your user belongs to multiple organizations, you're required to send an organization ID:
new_blog_space = client.spaces().create({'name': 'My Blog', 'organization_id': 'my_org_id'})
Updating a space:
blog_space.update({'name': 'Ye Olde Blog'}) # or directly editing it's properties = 'Ye Olde Blog'
Retrieving all memberships on a space:
memberships = client.memberships('my_space_id').all() # or if you already have a fetched space memberships = space.memberships().all()
Retrieveing one membership by ID:
membership = client.memberships('my_space_id').find('membership_id') # or if you already have a fetched space membership = space.memberships().find('membership_id')
Deleting an membership:
client.memberships('my_space_id').delete('membership_id') # or if you already have a fetched space space.memberships().delete('membership_id') # or if you already have fetched the membership memberships.delete()
Creating a new membership:
memberships = client.memberships('my_space_id').create({ "admin": False, "roles": [ { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Role", "id": "1Nq88dKTNXNaxkbrRpEEw6" } ], "email": "" }) # or if you already have a fetched space memberships = space.memberships().create({ "admin": False, "roles": [ { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Role", "id": "1Nq88dKTNXNaxkbrRpEEw6" } ], "email": "" })
Updating a membership:
memberships.update({ "admin": False, "roles": [ { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Role", "id": "1Nq88dKTNXNaxkbrRpEEw6" } ] }) # or directly editing it's properties memberships.admin = True
Retrieving all Organizations you belong to:
organizations = client.organizations().all()
Note: This feature is available only to Commited v2 customers.
Retrieving all Usage Periods for an Organizations you belong to:
usage_periods = client.usage_periods('organization_id').all()
Alternatively, if you have an already fetched organization:
usage_periods = organization.usage_periods().all()
Note: This feature is available only to Commited v2 customers.
Retrieving all API Usage statistics for an Organizations during a given usage period, broken down by organization for all APIs:
# Valid usage types are by 'organization' and by 'space'. # Usage period IDs are numerical and can be fetched from the Usage Periods API. # Valid API breakdowns are: 'cda', 'cpa', 'cma' or 'all_apis'. usage = client.api_usage('organization_id').all('organization', usage_period_id, 'all_apis')
Alternatively, if you have an already fetched organization:
# Breaking down CMA usage by space, for a given period. usage = organization.api_usage().all('space', usage_period_id, 'cma')
Retrieving your User information:
user = client.users().me()
Note: For all resources that depend on an environment but don't have environments explicitly enabled. You should use 'master'
as environment_id
Retrieving all environments on a space:
environments = client.environments('my_space_id').all() # or if you already have a fetched space environments = space.environments().all()
Retrieving an environment by ID:
environment = client.environments('my_space_id').find('environment_id') # or if you already have a fetched space environment = space.environments().find('environment_id')
Deleting an environment:
client.environments('my_space_id').delete('environment_id') # or if you already have a fetched space space.environments().delete('environment_id') # or if you already fetched the environment environment.delete()
Creating an environment:
new_environment = client.environments('my_space_id').create( 'new_environment_id', { 'name': 'New Environment' } ) # or if you already have a fetched space new_environment = space.environments().create( 'new_environment_id', { 'name': 'New Environment' } )
Creating an environment with a different source:
new_environment = client.environments('my_space_id').create( 'new_environment_id', { 'name': 'New Environment', 'source_environment_id': 'other_environment' } )
Retrieving all assets on a space:
assets = client.assets('my_space_id', 'environment_id').all() # or if you already have a fetched environment assets = environment.assets().all()
Retrieving an asset by ID:
asset = client.assets('my_space_id', 'environment_id').find('asset_id') # or if you already have a fetched environment asset = environment.assets().find('asset_id')
Deleting an asset:
client.assets('my_space_id', 'environment_id').delete('asset_id') # or if you already have a fetched environment environment.assets().delete('asset_id') # or if you already fetched the asset asset.delete()
Creating an asset:
file_attributes = { 'fields': { 'file': { 'en-US': { 'fileName': 'file.png', 'contentType': 'image/png', 'upload': '' } } } } new_asset = client.assets('my_space_id', 'environment_id').create( 'new_asset_id', file_attributes ) # or if you already have a fetched environment new_asset = environment.assets().create( 'new_asset_id', file_attributes )
We also support Direct File Upload, this will be explained in the Uploads section.
Processing an asset:
This will process the file for every available locale and provide you with a downloadable URL within Contentful.
Updating an asset:
asset.update(other_file_attributes) # or directly editing it's properties asset.file['file_name'] = 'other_file.png'
Deleting an asset:
client.assets('my_space_id', 'environment_id').delete('asset_id') # or if you already have a fetched environment environment.assets().delete('asset_id') # or if you already fetched the asset asset.delete()
Archiving and Unarchiving an asset:
asset.archive() asset.unarchive()
Publishing or Unpublishing an asset:
asset.publish() asset.unpublish()
Checking if an asset is published:
Checking if an asset is updated:
Retrieving all entries on a space:
entries = client.entries('my_space_id', 'environment_id').all() # or if you already have a fetched environment entries = environment.entries().all() # or if you already have a fetched content type entries_for_content_type = content_type.entries().all()
Retrieving an entry by ID:
entry = client.entries('my_space_id', 'environment_id').find('entry_id') # or if you already have a fetched environment entry = environment.entries().find('entry_id') # or if you already have a fetched content type entry = content_type.entries().find('entry_id')
Deleting an entry:
client.entries('my_space_id', 'environment_id').delete('entry_id') # or if you already have a fetched environment environment.entries().delete('entry_id') # or if you already fetched the entry entry.delete()
Creating an entry:
entry_attributes = { 'content_type_id': 'target_content_type', 'fields': { 'title': { 'en-US': 'My Awesome Post' }, 'body': { 'en-US': 'Once upon a time...' } } } new_entry = client.entries('my_space_id', 'environment_id').create( 'new_entry_id', entry_attributes ) # or if you already have a fetched environment new_entry = environment.entries().create( 'new_entry_id', entry_attributes )
Updating an entry:
entry.update(other_entry_attributes) # or directly updating it's properties entry.title = 'My Super Post'
Updating an entry for multiple locales:
for target_locale in ['en-US', 'es-AR']: entry.sys['locale'] = target_locale entry.title = 'Post in {0}'.format(target_locale) entry.fields('en-US')['title'] # will return "Post in en-US" entry.fields('es-AR')['title'] # will return "Post in es-AR"
Accessing localized fields:
entry.sys['locale'] = 'es-AR' entry.title # will now be equivalent to entry.fields('es-AR')['title']
Deleting an entry:
client.entries('my_space_id', 'environment_id').delete('entry_id') # or if you already have a fetched environment environment.entries().delete('entry_id') # or if you already fetched the entry entry.delete()
Archiving and Unarchiving an entry:
entry.archive() entry.unarchive()
Publishing or Unpublishing an entry:
entry.publish() entry.unpublish()
Checking if an entry is published:
Checking if an entry is updated:
Entries created with empty fields, will not return those fields in the response.
Therefore, if you want to explicitly set those fields to empty (None
) you will need to make an extra request to fetch the Content Type and fill the missing fields.
Retrieving all content types on a space:
content_types = client.content_types('my_space_id', 'environment_id').all() # or if you already have a fetched environment content_types = environment.content_types().all()
Retrieving a content type by ID:
content_type = client.content_types('my_space_id', 'environment_id').find('content_type_id') # or if you already have a fetched environment content_type = environment.content_types().find('content_type_id')
Deleting a content type:
client.content_types('my_space_id', 'environment_id').delete('content_type_id') # or if you already have a fetched environment environment.content_types().delete('content_type_id') # or if you already fetched the content type content_type.delete()
Creating a content type:
content_type_attributes = { 'name': 'Blog Post', 'description': 'Blog Posts to be included in ...' 'fields': [ { 'disabled': False, 'id': 'title', 'localized': True, 'name': 'Title', 'omitted': False, 'required': True, 'type': 'Symbol', 'validations': [ { 'size': {'min': 3} } ] }, { 'disabled': False, 'id': 'body', 'localized': True, 'name': 'Body', 'omitted': False, 'required': True, 'type': 'Text', 'validations': [] } ] } new_content_type = client.content_types('my_space_id', 'environment_id').create( 'new_ct_id', content_type_attributes ) # or if you already have a fetched environment new_content_type = environment.content_types().create( 'new_ct_id', content_type_attributes )
Updating a content type:
content_type.update(other_content_type_attributes) # or directly updating it's properties = 'Not Post' content_type.fields.append( contentful_management.ContentTypeField({ 'id': 'author', 'name': 'Author', 'type': 'Link', 'linkType': 'Entry' }) )
Deleting a content type:
client.content_types('my_space_id', 'environment_id').delete('content_type_id') # or if you already have a fetched environment environment.content_types().delete('content_type_id') # or if you already fetched the content type content_type.delete()
Publishing or Unpublishing a content type:
content_type.publish() content_type.unpublish()
Checking if a content type is published:
Checking if a content type is updated:
Removing a field from a content type:
fields = content_type.fields # keep all fields but the one with 'author' as id content_type.fields = [ f for f in fields if not == 'author' ]
For information regarding available validations check the reference documentation.
Retrieving all locales on a space:
locales = client.locales('my_space_id', 'environment_id').all() # or if you already have a fetched environment locales = environment.locales().all()
Retrieveing one locale by ID:
locale = client.locales('my_space_id', 'environment_id').find('locale_id') # or if you already have a fetched environment locale = environment.locales().find('locale_id')
Deleting a locale:
client.locales('my_space_id', 'environment_id').delete('locale_id') # or if you already have a fetched environment environment.locales().delete('locale_id') # or if you already have fetched the locale locale.delete()
Creating a new locale:
new_locale = client.locales('my_space_id', 'environment_id').create({'name': 'Klingon', 'code': 'tlh'}) # or if you already have a fetched environment new_locale = environment.locales().create({'name': 'Klingon', 'code': 'tlh'})
Updating a locale:
locale.update({'name': 'Elvish'}) # or directly editing it's properties = 'Elvish'
Retrieving all roles on a space:
roles = client.roles('my_space_id').all() # or if you already have a fetched space roles = space.roles().all()
Retrieveing one role by ID:
role = client.roles('my_space_id').find('role_id') # or if you already have a fetched space role = space.roles().find('role_id')
Deleting a role:
client.roles('my_space_id').delete('role_id') # or if you already have a fetched space space.roles().delete('role_id') # or if you already have fetched the role role.delete()
Creating a new role:
role_attributes = { 'name': 'My Role', 'description': 'foobar role', 'permissions': { 'ContentDelivery': 'all', 'ContentModel': ['read'], 'Settings': [] }, 'policies': [ { 'effect': 'allow', 'actions': 'all', 'constraint': { 'and': [ { 'equals': [ { 'doc': 'sys.type' }, 'Entry' ] }, { 'equals': [ { 'doc': 'sys.type' }, 'Asset' ] } ] } } ] } new_role = client.roles('my_space_id').create(role_attributes) # or if you already have a fetched space new_role = space.roles().create(role_attributes)
Updating a role:
roles.update({'name': 'A different Role'}) # or directly editing it's properties = 'A different Role'
Retrieving all webhooks on a space:
webhook = client.webhooks('my_space_id').all() # or if you already have a fetched space webhook = space.webhooks().all()
Retrieveing one webhook by ID:
webhook = client.webhooks('my_space_id').find('webhook_id') # or if you already have a fetched space webhook = space.webhooks().find('webhook_id')
Deleting a webhook:
client.webhooks('my_space_id').delete('webhook_id') # or if you already have a fetched space space.webhooks().delete('webhook_id') # or if you already have fetched the webhook webhook.delete()
Creating a new webhook:
webhook_attributes = { 'name': 'My Webhook', 'url': '', 'httpBasicUsername': 'username', 'httpBasicPassword': 'password' } new_webhook = client.webhooks('my_space_id').create(webhook_attributes) # or if you already have a fetched space new_webhook = space.webhooks().create(webhook_attributes)
Updating a webhook:
webhook.update({'name': 'Other Webhook'}) # or directly editing it's properties = 'Other Webhook'
Retrieving all Webhook Calls on a space:
calls = client.webhook_calls('my_space_id', 'webhook_id').all() # or if you already have a fetched webhook calls = webhook.calls().all()
Retrieveing Webhook Call Details by ID:
call = client.webhook_calls('my_space_id', 'webhook_id').find('call_id') # or if you already have a fetched webhook call = webhook.calls().find('call_id')
Retrieving Webhook Health:
health = client.webhook_health('my_space_id', 'webhook_id').find() # or if you already have a fetched webhook health =
Retrieving all UI Extenisons on a space:
ui_extensions = client.ui_extensions('my_space_id', 'environment_id').all() # or if you already have a fetched environment ui_extensions = environment.ui_extensions().all()
Retrieveing one UI Extension by ID:
ui_extension = client.ui_extensions('my_space_id', 'environment_id').find('ui_extension_id') # or if you already have a fetched environment ui_extension = environment.ui_extensions().find('ui_extension_id')
Deleting an UI Extension:
client.ui_extensions('my_space_id', 'environment_id').delete('ui_extension_id') # or if you already have a fetched environment environment.ui_extensions().delete('ui_extension_id') # or if you already have fetched the UI Extension ui_extension.delete()
Creating a new UI Extension:
new_ui_extension = client.ui_extensions('my_space_id', 'environment_id').create('test-extension', { "extension": { "name": "Test Extension", "srcdoc": "<html>foobar</html>", "fieldTypes": [{'type': 'Symbol'}], "sidebar": False } }) # or if you already have a fetched environment new_ui_extension = environment.ui_extensions().create('test-extension', { "extension": { "name": "Test Extension", "srcdoc": "<html>foobar</html>", "fieldTypes": [{'type': 'Symbol'}], "sidebar": False } })
Updating an UI Extension:
ui_extension.update({ "extension": { "name": "Test Extension", "srcdoc": "<html>foobar</html>", "fieldTypes": [{'type': 'Symbol'}], "sidebar": False } }) # or directly editing it's properties = 'Their API Key'
Retrieving the editor interfaces for a content type:
editor_interface = client.editor_interfaces('my_space_id', 'environment_id', 'my_content_type_id').find() # or if you already have a fetched content type editor_interface = content_type.editor_interfaces().find()
Updating the editor interface:
controls = [ { 'widgetId': 'singleLine', 'fieldId': 'name', 'settings': {} } ] editor_interface.update({'controls': controls}) # or directly editing it's properties editor_interface.controls = controls
Retrieving all snapshots for an entry:
snapshots = client.snapshots('my_space_id', 'environment_id', 'entry_id').all() # or if you already have a fetched entry snapshots = entry.snapshots().all()
Retrieveing one snapshot by ID:
snapshot = client.snapshots('my_space_id', 'environment_id', 'entry_id').find('snapshot_id') # or if you already have a fetched entry snapshot = entry.snapshots().find('snapshot_id')
Retrieving all snapshots for a content type:
snapshots = client.content_type_snapshots('my_space_id', 'environment_id', 'content_type_id').all() # or if you already have a fetched content type snapshots = content_type.snapshots().all()
Retrieveing one snapshot by ID:
snapshot = client.content_type_snapshots('my_space_id', 'environment_id', 'content_type_id').find('snapshot_id') # or if you already have a fetched content_type snapshot = content_type.snapshots().find('snapshot_id')
Retrieving all API keys on a space:
api_keys = client.api_keys('my_space_id').all() # or if you already have a fetched space api_keys = space.api_keys().all()
Retrieveing one API key by ID:
api_key = client.api_keys('my_space_id').find('api_key_id') # or if you already have a fetched space api_key = space.api_keys().find('api_key_id')
Deleting an API key:
client.api_keys('my_space_id').delete('api_key_id') # or if you already have a fetched space space.api_keys().delete('api_key_id') # or if you already have fetched the API key api_key.delete()
Creating a new API key:
new_api_key = client.api_keys('my_space_id').create({'name': 'My API Key'}) # or if you already have a fetched space new_api_key = space.api_keys().create({'name': 'My API Key'})
Creating a new API key with multiple environments:
environments = [ { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Environment", "id": "master" } }, { "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Environment", "id": "staging" } } ] new_api_key = client.api_keys('my_space_id').create({'name': 'My API Key with environments', 'environments': environments}) # or if you already have a fetched space new_api_key = space.api_keys().create({'name': 'My API Key with environments', 'environments': environments})
Updating an API key:
api_key.update({'name': 'Their API Key'}) # or directly editing it's properties = 'Their API Key'
Updating an API key with a new environment, while retaining the existing ones:
new_environment_link = Link({ "sys": { "type": "Link", "linkType": "Environment", "id": "staging" } }) api_key.environments.append(new_environment_link)
Retrieving all Preview API keys on a space:
preview_api_keys = client.preview_api_keys('my_space_id').all() # or if you already have a fetched space preview_api_keys = space.preview_api_keys().all()
Retrieveing one API key by ID:
preview_api_key = client.preview_api_keys('my_space_id').find('preview_api_key_id') # or if you already have a fetched space preview_api_key = space.preview_api_keys().find('preview_api_key_id') # or if you have an already fetched api key preview_api_key = api_key.preview_api_key()
Retrieving all Personal Access Tokens on a space:
personal_access_tokens = client.personal_access_tokens().all()
Retrieveing one Personal Access Token by ID:
personal_access_token = client.personal_access_tokens().find('personal_access_token_id')
Revoking a Personal Access Token:
client.personal_access_tokens().revoke('personal_access_token_id') # or if you already have fetched the Personal Access Token personal_access_tokens.delete()
Creating a new Personal Access Token:
new_personal_access_token = client.personal_access_tokens().create({ 'name': 'My API Key', 'scopes': ['content_management_manage'] })
Retrieveing one upload by ID:
upload = client.uploads('my_space_id').find('upload_id') # or if you already have a fetched space upload = space.uploads().find('upload_id')
Deleting a upload:
client.uploads('my_space_id').delete('upload_id') # or if you already have a fetched space space.uploads().delete('upload_id') # or if you already have fetched the upload upload.delete()
Creating a new upload:
# you can use either a file-like object or a path. # If you use a path, the SDK will open it, create the upload and # close the file afterwards. with open('path/to/my/file.txt', 'rb') as file: new_upload = client.uploads('my_space_id').create(file) # or if you already have a fetched space new_upload = space.uploads().create('path/to/file.txt')
Associating an upload with a new asset:
# notice that the upload is converted to a link, # and the JSON representation is then sent. client.assets('my_space_id', 'environment_id').create( 'new_asset_id', { 'fields': { 'file': { 'en-US': { 'fileName': 'some_name.png', 'contentType': 'image/png', 'uploadFrom': upload.to_link().to_json() } } } } )
: API Access Token.
: (optional) URL of the Contentful Target API, defaults to Management API.
: (optional) URL of the Contentful Upload Target API, defaults to Upload API.
: (optional) Target version of the Contentful API.
: (optional) Default Locale for your Spaces, defaults to 'en-US'.
: (optional) Boolean determining wether to use https or http, defaults to True.
: (optional) Boolean determining wether to send access_token through a header or via GET params, defaults to True.
: (optional) Boolean determining wether to process the response or return it raw after each API call, defaults to True.
: (optional) Boolean determining wether to accept gzip encoded results, defaults to True.
: (optional) Boolean determining wether to raise an exception on requests that aren't successful, defaults to True.
: (optional) Boolean determining wether to store a Cache of the Content Types in order to properly coerce Entry fields, defaults to True.
: (optional) URL for Proxy, defaults to None.
: (optional) Port for Proxy, defaults to None.
: (optional) Username for Proxy, defaults to None.
: (optional) Password for Proxy, defaults to None.
: (optional) Maximum amount of retries after RateLimitError, defaults to 1.
: (optional) Timeout (in seconds) for waiting for retry after RateLimitError, defaults to 60.
: (optional) User application name, defaults to None.
: (optional) User application version, defaults to None.
: (optional) Integration name, defaults to None.
: (optional) Integration version, defaults to None.
To use the logger, use the standard library logging
import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) client.entries().all() # INFO:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTPS connection (1): # DEBUG:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:"GET /spaces/cfexampleapi/entries HTTP/1.1" 200 1994
Copyright (c) 2017 Contentful GmbH. See LICENSE for further details.
Feel free to improve this tool by submitting a Pull Request.