NRG (pronounced "energy") was created to simplify and standardize the way that redirects are implimented in NGINX.
- import redirects from file
- .txt
- .csv
- default logic is used for generation
- Example:
rewrite ^/oldthing/?$ permanent;
- Example:
- currently no custom logic
- no .xlsx support "Convert with this tool to .csv"
- query strings are removed and not currently generated as location query redirects
- large files will lock the browser "lets keep it below 10k rows 😉"
Love this -
- select all inside code will only select code
- impliment ClipboardJS on generated redirects
- load test and ensure perf
- currently locks browser on 50k and 100k .csv
- perhaps use lodash for
- add PapaParse Worker "may need to add source of PapaParse to repo for this"
- add options menu
- push out style menu
- dark mode
- don't force source URL to string
- first line contains URLs and not headers "PapaParse -
header: false
- look for queries in source URLs and automagically create location query redirects for them
- allow for NGINX redirects as input for possible cleanup and allow for .conf file upload
- test for comments...either remove all or find a way to keep
- explore options for generating new NGINX blocks with redirects "secondary domain specific redirects or External Rewrites"
- ...this could get tricky. Might be best to leave this out and have them use the generator for rewrites within that block.
- create a separate front end for creating and visualizing source/destination URLS before generating "NGINX Redirct Builder??"
- import from file or text and convert to JSON with PapaParse
- checkboxes/toggles for features (advanced mode toggle from menu)
- case insenstivie
- starting with carrot
- conditional trailing slash
- stop at end of sting
- 301 or 302
permanent, redirect
+ allow for all other NGINX options herebreak, last, etc.
- add/ensure trailing slash in source URL
- remove trailing slash
- add global options for all checkboxes "apply to all"
- case insenstivie
- save sheet by default at randomized link for sharing or revisiting
- allow for checkbox to not save current sheet
- allow for private sheets "probably not...these should not be indexed anyway"
- save sheet to .csv file "including options"
- button to check HTTP status of all destinations/targets
- example for Google Sheets
- might be able to do this in the browser via Chai/Chai HTTP
- this could have two tests - one to check if the status code matches and the other to check if the destination matches
- create app for testing NGINX Config - docker example
- perhaps create an app on Zeit for this
- may want to impliment my own form of syntax highlighting since we will know all syntax used
will start at 1.0.0