clpr - (CL)ojure (PR)inter clpr - (C)lojure (L)ine (P)(R)inter clpr - (C)ommand (L)ine (P)(R)inter
clpr is a simple command line tool that ferries its input to a remote clojure repl, and outputs the result. I wrote it to make working with clojure in vim simpler, although it isn't a vim plugin, and could be used with any editor that can work with shell commands.
჻ echo '(+ 2 3)' | clpr
It makes possible quick interactions with a repl from the command line. This allows the clojure repl to be integrated with the many ways that vim can work with external shell commands.
nnoremap K :!echo '(with-out-str (clojure.repl/doc <c-r><c-w>))' \| clpr<cr>
To install clpr client command, put clpr on your path. By default,
will connect to localhost and the port in .clpr-port
in the directory
where it's run.
The simplest way to run the server is:
lein clpr
After adding this to ~/.lein/profiles.clj:
{:user {:dependencies [[clpr-tools "0.1.4"]]
:plugins [[lein-clpr "0.1.4"]]
:clpr {:init (require '}}}
clpr-tools provides some convenience wrappers that are useful for keybindings.
I've started experimenting with some vim keybindings for this here.
Copyright © 2018 Matthias Margush
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.