An online multiplayer maze game in python3 using pygame and tcp. The maze is automatically and randomly generated using a depth-first search algorithm,
Be the first one to get to the middle of the maze and get the coin. Simple, right?
- Python 3
- pygame:
python3 -m pip install pygame
Make sure you have the dependencies:
python3 -m pip install pygame
Clone the repository:
git clone
cd labyrinth-game
Start the server.
python3 server/
or make run-server
Start the right amount of clients and connect to the server's IP.
python3 client/
or make run-client
You're good to go!
- Server:
python3 server/
ormake run-server
- Client:
python3 client/
ormake run-client
Currently using port 15000 so it must be available.