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Sample code for

asm.js/wasm live demos:

Minimal 8-bit emulators using the sokol headers:

Work In Progress

Build Status:

Platform Build Status
GH Actions (OSX/Linux/Win+VS2019/iOS/WASM) Build Status
Travis: (OSX/Linux/Win,VS2017) Build Status
AppVeyor (Windows,VS2015) Build status

What's New:

  • 26-Aug-2019: New sample: fontstash-sapp

  • 06-Jul-2019: Two new samples for the new sokol_fetch.h header:

  • 04-Jun-2019: New sample on how to compile and use the sokol headers as DLL (currently only on Windows). This demonstrates the new SOKOL_DLL configuration define which annotates public function declarations with __declspec(dllexport) or __declspec(dllimport). See here for the DLL, and here for the example code using the DLL.

  • 15-May-2019: the sokol-app samples in the sapp directory have been "ported" to the new shader-cross-compiler solution (see here for details). Shaders are written as 'annotated GLSL', and cross-compiled to various GLSL dialects, HLSL and MSL through a custom-build job which invokes the sokol-shdc command line tool.

  • 01-Apr-2019: sample code for the new sokol_gl.h header:

  • 05-Mar-2019: the sokol-app samples (in the sapp directory) now come with optional debugging UIs implemented via the new Dear ImGui based debug-inspection headers, these are compiled as separate executables, so the executable-versions without UI are still as small as possible.

  • 19-Feb-2019: a new sokol_app.h sample has been added to demonstrate the new SOKOL_NO_ENTRY feature (in which sokol_app.h doesn't hijack the main function): sapp/noentry-sapp.c

  • 26-Jan-2019: The sokol_app.h samples now also work on Android. See below for build instructions.

  • 12-Apr-2018: New samples have been added to demonstrate the new optional vertex-buffer- and index-buffer-offsets in the sg_draw_state struct. Also the location of fips build-system files have changed, please update fips with a 'git pull' from the fips directory.

  • 27-Mar-2018: The Dear Imgui fips wrapper has recently been moved to a new repository at and updated to the latest ImGui version which required some code changes. If you already had checked out sokol-samples, perform the following steps to udpate:

    1. delete the fips-imgui directory
    2. in the sokol-samples directory, run ./fips fetch

How to build

Make sure that the following tools are in the path. Exact versions shouldn't matter:

> python --version
Python 2.7.10
> cmake --version
cmake version 3.8.2
# make is only needed for building through emscripten
> make --version
GNU Make 3.81
# on OSX (on Windows you just need a recent VS)
> xcodebuild -version
Xcode 9.0

Building the platform-specific samples

There are two types of samples, platform-specific samples in the folders d3d11, glfw, html5 and metal, and platform-agnostic samples using the sokol_app.h application-wrapper header in the folder sapp.

To build the GLFW samples on Linux, MacOS and Windows:

> mkdir ~/scratch
> cd ~/scratch
> git clone
> cd sokol-samples
> ./fips build
> ./fips list targets
> ./fips run triangle-glfw

On Linux you'll need to install a couple of development packages for GLFW:

To build for Metal on OSX:

> cd ~/scratch/sokol-samples
> ./fips set config metal-osx-xcode-debug
> ./fips build
> ./fips list targets
> ./fips run triangle-metal

To build for Metal on iOS:

> cd ~/scratch/sokol-samples
> ./fips set config metal-ios-xcode-debug
> ./fips set iosteam [YOUR-TEAM-ID]
> ./fips gen
> ./fips open
# Xcode should open now, where you can build and run the iOS code as usual

The [YOUR-TEAM-ID] must be replaced with your Apple Developer Team ID, this is a 10-character string which you can look up on If you get build errors about 32-bit targets, exit Xcode, run ./fips clean, ./fips gen and ./fips open again. This is a known but unsolved issue which I need to investigate.

Another known issue: The arraytex-metal sample currently has a weird rendering artefact at least on my iPad Mini4 which looks like Z-fighting.

To build for D3D11 on Windows:

> cd /scratch/sokol-samples
> fips set config d3d11-win64-vstudio-debug
> fips build
> fips list targets
> fips run triangle-d3d11

To build for emscripten:

> cd ~/scratch/sokol-samples
> ./fips setup emscripten
[...this will take a while]
> ./fips set config webgl2-emsc-make-release
> ./fips build
> ./fips list targets
> ./fips run triangle-emsc

To build for Android:

Plug an Android device into your computer, and then:

> cd ~/scratch/sokol-samples
> ./fips setup android
[...this will install a local Android SDK/NDK under ../fips-sdks/android]
> ./fips set config sapp-android-make-debug
> ./fips build
> ./fips list targets
> ./fips run triangle-sapp

The last command should install and run the triangle-sapp sample on the connected Android device.

To debug Android applications I recommend using Android Studio with "Profile or debug APK". You can find the compiled APK files under ../fips-deploy/[project]/[config].

To build the platform-agnostic sokol_app.h samples:

Building the sokol_app.h samples is currently supported for MacOS, Windows, Linux, iOS, HTML5 and Android (RaspberryPi is planned).

Use any of the following custom build configs starting with sapp- which matches your platform and build system:

> ./fips list configs | grep sapp-
> ./fips set config sapp-...
> ./fips build
> ./fips list targets
> ./fips run cube-sapp

Note the following caveats:

  • for HTML5, first install the emscripten SDK as described above in the native HTML5 sample section
  • for iOS, set the developer team id, as described above in the iOS section
  • OpenGL is currently not supported on MacOS because NSOpenGLView and friends are broken on the MacOS Mojave beta, instead use the sapp-metal-* build configs (GLES on iOS is supported though)

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  • C 69.6%
  • C++ 23.7%
  • PHP 4.0%
  • Objective-C 1.5%
  • GLSL 0.4%
  • CMake 0.4%
  • Other 0.4%