Create maps using the Github Gist API as GeoJSON or TopoJSON, directly from PostGIS.
Create a command line utility similar to pgsql2shp, but the output of which should be a link to an anonymous private gist. The gist link should leverage Github’s rendering of GeoJSON/TopoJSON, e.g. render a map.
See issues for additional features to be implemented.
Listed below is the --help usage information.:
POST GeoJSON or TopoJSON features from PostGIS to a Github Gist. Example usage: pgsql2gist --host localhost --user matt tilestache \ "SELECT name, ST_AsGeoJSON(geom) AS geometry FROM neighborhoods LIMIT 5;" Current SELECT Statement Requirements: - Geometry must be in EPSG:4326 WGS84 coordinate system - Geometry must be wrapped in ST_AsGeoJSON(), ST_AsTopoJSON() usage: pgsql2gist [-f FILE] [-d DESCRIPTION] [-h HOST] [-p PORT] [-P PASSWORD] [-u USER] [-g GEOM_COL] [-t TOPOLOGY_LAYER] [-v] [-?] database SELECT positional arguments: database PostGIS database name. SELECT SELECT Statement. NOTE: Geometry must be WGS84; wrapped in ST_AsGeoJSON() or AsTopoJSON(). optional arguments: -f FILE, --file FILE Filename. NOTE: Must end in 'geojson' or 'topojson' extension. (default: upload.geojson) -d DESCRIPTION, --description DESCRIPTION Description of upload (default: File uploaded using pgsql2gist.) -h HOST, --host HOST PostGIS database hostname. (default: None) -p PORT, --port PORT PostGIS database port. (default: 5432) -P PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD PostGIS user password. (default: None) -u USER, --user USER PostGIS database user. (default: postgres) -g GEOM_COL, --geom-col GEOM_COL Geometry column name as defined in SELECT statement. (default: geometry) -t TOPOLOGY_LAYER, --topology-layer TOPOLOGY_LAYER For TopoJSON Queries; Name of Topology Layer (default: None) -v, --verbose Verbose output. (default: False) -?, --help
Gist API: (
The spiffy idea behind a db context manager comes from Migurski's awesome TileStache map server.