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An implementation of php's strtotime function. It parses strings containing absolute dates (e.g. 12th March 2013) and relative ones (e.g. "3 months 12 days ago"), and returns a timestamp (in seconds).

It supports a very wide range of date and time formats without you needing to tell it what you're passing in.

The second argument is a timestamp (in seconds) which will be used the reference point for relative strings. If no second argument is passed, the current date/time is used.

The function will be a YUI3 gallery module, once the new yogi-based gallery is able to accept it. The function is currently added to the Y.DataType.Date object, although it does not require it.

Example usage

The different formats and structures supported are fully documented at and the sections from

All of the examples below will parse the date 7th August 2013, 8:18:23.124am in timezone GMT +00:00, although obviously if the time is not passed it will not be included in the output.

Y.DataType.Date.strtotime("2013-08-07"); // returns 1375833600
Y.DataType.Date.strtotime("2013/08/07"); // returns 1375833600
Y.DataType.Date.strtotime("08/07/2013"); // returns 1375833600
Y.DataType.Date.strtotime("07-08-2013"); // returns 1375833600
Y.DataType.Date.strtotime("7th Aug 13"); // returns 1375833600
Y.DataType.Date.strtotime("August 7 2013"); // returns 1375833600

and so on. There are multiple time formats too, plus timezones as differences or the places:

Y.DataType.Date.strtotime("7th August 2013 8:18:23.124 GMT"); // returns 1375863503
Y.DataType.Date.strtotime("8.30pm"); // returns timestamp for 20:30:00 today
Y.DataType.Date.strtotime("07 VIII 2013 20.18 Europe/London"); // returns 1375906680 (because of DST it's an hour different)

The relative formats let you move forwards and back in time:

Y.DataType.Date.strtotime("2013-08-07 +2 days");
Y.DataType.Date.strtotime("2013-08-07 +6 months 1 week 2 days");
Y.DataType.Date.strtotime("2013-08-07 10 years ago");
Y.DataType.Date.strtotime("first day of 2013-08-07");  // goes to first of the month
Y.DataType.Date.strtotime("last day of 2013-08-07");   // goes to last day in the month
Y.DataType.Date.strtotime("tomorrow noon");  // returns timestamp 12:00:00 for tomorrow

You can also pass in the 'absolute' bit of the date as as timestamp as the second argument:

Y.DataType.Date.strtotime("+2 days", 1375833600);


This version (unlike the php version, as far as I know) will use the YUI Intl module if it is available on the page. This means that it should be able to parse date/time strings in other languages. There are also other terms that have particular meanings (e.g. "ago" or "tomorrow") that may be translated. They are all available as properties on the srttotime function:

  • strtotime.DAYSPECIAL An array of words meaning 'weekday'
  • strtotime.FIRSTDAYOF A string meaning 'first day of' (as in "the first day of June")
  • strtotime.LASYDAYOF A string meaning 'last day of'
  • strtotime.BACKOF A string meaning 'back of ' - I'd say 'quarter past ' (as in 'back of 2pm' or 'quarter past 2pm')
  • strtotime.FRONTOF A string meaning 'front of ' (or 'quarter to ')
  • strtotime.DAYFULL An ordered array of full day names.
    Y.Intl.get("datatype-date-format").A will automatically be used if available.
  • strtotime.DAYABBR An ordered array of abbreviated day names Y.Intl.get("datatype-date-format").a will automatically be used if available.
  • strtotime.AMPM A string to use in a RegExp() to identify 'am' or 'pm'. Y.Intl.get("datatype-date-format").p is used automatically if available
  • strtotime.RELTEXTNUMBER An ordered array of ordinals ('first', 'second', 'third') up to 12.

And there's a bunch more I'll write up later.

Further customisation

The first time you use strtotime, it'll build the regexp's it uses to parse the strings. There are a couple of points that you can hook into to vary behaviour: srttotime.finishRegExp(oRegEx) which is a function receiving an object with all the regexp components (as strings) used to build the tests, and returns the object. So you could alter some of the regexes here, if you wanted to.

It then uses these strings to build an array of test objects. Each object has a RegExp and a function to call if the regex matches. Once this array is built, it's passed through strtotime.finishTestsfunction (oRegEx, aTests) which returns the aTests array. So you could add or remove tests & behaviours at this point too, if you wanted.

Notes and Issues

This function has over 4000 tests, generated by a php script, that checks that the return values match. However, there's a few areas where they diverge, possibly due to bugs in the php version. Where they differ, I think the results of this javascript are more intuitive.

  • The php implementation uses timestamps in seconds. So does this one. Unfortunately, javascript uses timestamps in milliseconds, which means that at the moment you have to multiple or divide by 1000 to use the native javascript Date() function.

  • Order is important. 'noon tomorrow' !== 'tomorrow noon', because 'tomorrow' sets the time to midnight. So 'noon tomorrow' first sets the time to 12:00 and then moves the day back one and sets the time to 00:00.

  • In the php version, "am", "AM", "a.M.", "A.m" etc will all be understood as meaning "am". In this version, because it's Internationalised you can't assume that you can split the letters and add full-stops in other lanuages. This means that by default, using the Intl pack, things like "a.M." (ie mixing case and adding full stops) will not be recognised. In English, you can set

    strtotime.AMPM = '([AaPp].?[Mm].?)'; 

    before using the function and it'll work as php does.

  • Strings like "January 12th noon" (using month names followed by date and no year, and where noon is one of 'noon', 'now', 'today', 'tomorrow', 'yesterday') return false in php but do what you'd expect in this js version.

  • Strings like "2013W25-4 yesterday" (where 25 is the week number and 4 is the day of the week number) seem to ignore the week/day and do the relative movement from the first day of the year. So "2013W14-1 yesterday" gives a timestamp for 31st December 2012. This js version does what you'd expect (returns a timestamp for 31st March 2013, as 2013W14-1 is 1st April 2013). These date formats also differ from php when used with statements like 'third Wednesday', but again this js version seems to do what you'd expect.

  • Strings like "2011 yesterday" are interpreted by php as 20:11 ie 8:11pm, but from the C source it appears that it ought to be recognised as a year, which is what this js version does. Seems to me you could argue it either way.


Implementation of php strtotime in javascript for YUI






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