stands in as a proxy in front of a normal MySQL database, and provides a PlanetScale HTTP API compatibility layer.
At the moment, this is not an official PlanetScale project, and is in early stage development and quality. Please do not use this in production environments.
This is intended to aid when adopting @planetscale/database
in your application and wanting to run against a local database.
Please open issues for bugs or any feedback.
Compiled binaries can be found in GitHub Releases:
Images are published to
A sample docker-compose.yml is available in the examples folder. This will spin up a mysql server on the default port of 3306, and ps-http-sim on port 3900.
When setting up your connection, the config object needs to use the url
property with a http://
address with a non-null password, instead of host
, username
& password
e.g. { url: 'http://root:nonNullPassword@localhost:3900'}
Using host
will force https.
You can connect directly to the mysql server using a mysql uri
Go is required:
$ go install
or from within this repository:
$ make
$ ps-http-sim -help
Usage of ps-http-sim:
-listen-addr string
HTTP server address (default "")
-listen-port uint
HTTP server port (default 8080)
-log-level string
Log level (debug, info, warn, error, dpanic, panic, fatal) (default "debug")
-mysql-addr string
MySQL address (default "")
-mysql-dbname string
MySQL database to connect to (default "mysql")
-mysql-idle-timeout duration
MySQL connection idle timeout (default 10s)
-mysql-listen-port uint
Run a TCP proxy back to the underlying MySQL server
-mysql-max-rows uint
Max rows for a single query result set (default 1000)
Don't use password for MySQL connection
-mysql-port uint
MySQL port (default 3306)
There is an example Node configuration in the example/
A sample mysqld
docker container can be run by doing:
$ make run-mysql
If you'd prefer not to run a binary directly, a docker container can be built with:
$ make docker
I'm not good at docker, so if this is bad or any suggestions, I'm open to anything.
The authentication you configure in your database-js application, is passed along as-is to your local MySQL database. So you'd want to match up the authentication to match what you'd with a normal MySQL client.
If your database is configured to not use a password, the -mysql-no-pass
flag must be set on ps-http-sim
, but database-js must be configured still to send a password. The password may be anything except blank.
This is a bit of a "wart" in that the PlanetScale API would fail if not being presented with a password at all since it's impossible to have a PlanetScale database without a password.