A project to create a stub/mock environment for testing ExecuteScript processors.
java -cp nifi-script-tester--all.jar [options] script_file
Where options may include:
-success Output information about flow files that were transferred to the success relationship. Defaults to true
-failure Output information about flow files that were transferred to the failure relationship. Defaults to false
-no-success Do not output information about flow files that were transferred to the success relationship. Defaults to false
-content Output flow file contents. Defaults to false
-attrs Output flow file attributes. Defaults to false
-all-rels Output information about flow files that were transferred to any relationship. Defaults to false
-all Output content, attributes, etc. about flow files that were transferred to any relationship. Defaults to false
-input=<directory> Send each file in the specified directory as a flow file to the script
-modules=<paths> Comma-separated list of paths (files or directories) containing script modules/JARs
To build the fat JAR, just run the following command:
gradle shadowJar
The JAR is available on Bintray at https://bintray.com/mattyb149/maven/nifi-script-tester
compile(group: 'mattyb149', name: 'nifi-script-tester', version: '1.1.1', ext: 'jar', classifier: 'all')
nifi-script-tester is copyright 2016- Matthew Burgess except where otherwise noted.
This project is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 except where otherwise noted in the source files.