We are trying to create the perfect custom OpenTibia server.
It is a fork of the from: OTServBR-Global project.
We currently provide build instructions for the following systems:
With downloads, support, tutorials, Lua scripts, C++ codes, PHP codes and more ...
- OTServ Brasil - [Português/English]
- Tibiaking - [Português]
- OTLand - [English]
- Tibia Face - [Español]
Server created with TFS 0.3.7-(AKA 0.4) with endless improvements that make it ideal for old school servers based on 8.6, clearly it should be used completely with its data defined there.
Matty(English & Spanish):
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mattyx14/
E-mail: darkylive@live.com.mx
Whatsapp: +5213173832937 -
Reason(English & Portuguese):
Discord: Reason#2913 -
E-mail: felps18.082@gmail.com
Whatsapp: +55 41 9 84036942
Discord: FeeTads#0246
- Our contributors (Canary | OTServBR-Global).
See our donate page.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Jetbrains for generously granting us licenses to collaborate on this and various other open-source initiatives.