Go-Lang(kah) is a history tracking that documented every part of golang feature, packed with some practical struct and other
- bufferpool
It's a part of websocket project
- context
Part of Go-Lang context and every part of context
- cryptography
Part of encryption - decryption with Go-Lang built-in package
- embedfile
Go-Lang embed feature presentation
- filemanipulation
Go-Lang manipulation file using built-in package, can manipulate usin csv, json, txt
- generics
Go-Lang Generics feature
- jsonmodule
Go-Lang json with json package in Go-Lang
- logging
Logging with logrus and logging with built-in package in Go-Lang with the same feature ahead after this
- mapping
Go-Lang exercise presentation 1
- mathoperation
Go-Lang exercise presentation 2
- pattern
Go-Lang design pattern presentation
- routine
Go-Routine in Go-Lang presentation
- validation
Go-Lang validation presentation with go-playground/validator/v10
- viper-go
Go-Lang Viper configuration management with spf13/viper