--- BlenderDragonframe MOCO Data ---
This NodeJS App + Python Script it's a set of tools that convert Keyframe data from Blender to Dragonframe Motion Control Module (ARC MOCO).
Exist a Pyhton alternative from GITHUB (Defaultio - Blender Addon) but have bugs for the laste version of Blender and the bezier interpretation distort the movement in Dragronframe.
This first release function with linear interpolation, constant movement. That limits the Cinematography but also give possibilities between the limits (as same other arts).
Release versions:
V0.1 - Convert movement with linear interpolation. Display graph with 3 axis of movement (vTRACK, vTILT, vPAN). Drag and drop the .csv file from Blender Scripting on the APP and write the output directory(required). This export a .ARCM file that you can import (native format) in ARC Motion Control module of DZED. Systems Dragonframe.
V0.2 - Modify the Python Script for export auto-bezier with similar interpolation as Dragonframe. (Same Control Points of Bezier Curves). Correction: If you bake the keyframes in Blender this export the animation curves, without the posibility of modify later. But If you want visulize a movement and mix with blender animated elements, you dont't want modify later exported movement. Then V02 it's not neccesary. Jump to the V03.
V0.3 - Export camera data to Adobe After Effects. This export mgJSON data on archive, the the user can rebuild the movement parenting camera to a NULL in After Effects. Only need extra info about sensor size and lens of the camera for setting the same paramenters.
Mauricio Matus F. Santiago de Chile, 2 de abril de 2022.