The final project for the cs50 introduction to databases with SQL was an opportunity to take my newfound skill with SQL and develop my very own database. I decided to make a medical database which stores patient and the most important information regarding their medical history.
It is composed of three files:
- A rigorous design document describing the database’s purpose, scope, entities, relationships, optimizations, and limitations.
- It includes:
- An entity relationship diagram.
- A video overview.
- schema.sql:
- An annotated set of CREATE TABLE, CREATE INDEX, CREATE VIEW, etc. statements that compose the database’s schema.
- queries.sql:
- An annotated set of SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, etc. statements that users will commonly run on the database.
The file, contains the database’s purpose, scope, entities, relationships, optimizations, and limitations.
The file includes an entity relationship diagram for the database.
The schema.sql file includes a set of SQL statements to define the database’s schema, annotated with brief SQL comments.
- It will contain CREATE TABLE, CREATE INDEX, and CREATE VIEW statements.
The queries.sql file includes a set of SQL queries typically run on the database, annotated with brief SQL comments.
- It will contains SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements.
This was CS50 SQL!