Description This repository represents the web application on topic "portfolio optimizer"
Portfolio optimizer is web application for investors which provides the distribution of the total amount they want to invest in their portfolio companies stocks in order to maximize their gains and minimize their risk on the basis of the five years stock data of their portfolio companies.
1.Live stock market Data
2.Closing price Graphs
3.Volume Graphs
4.Returns Graphs
5.Companies Pages
6.Forecasting Graphs
7.Actual Data
8.Live Stock Market News
Technologies Used
Web Framework -> Django(Python)
Front-End -> Html/css
Database -> sqlite
Data Fetching ->Yfinance
Graphs PLotting -> Plotly
Forecasting -> FbProphet
WebScraping -> Beautiful Soup
Live Stock Data Fetched From Yahoo Finance
Graphs Plot from PLotly
30 days forecasting from FbProphet
stock market data syncing from EconomicsTimesToday using BEautifulSoup**
optimizer The optimizer is made on the concept of Modern Portfolio Theory . The MPT is a practical ethod for selecting investments in order to maximize their overall returns with an acceptable level of risk. The Efficient frontier is the set of optimal portfolios that offer the highest ecpected return on a defined level of risk or the lowest risk for a fiven level of expected return . Portfolios that lie below the efficient frontier are sub optimal because they do not provide enough return for the level of risk.