A simple k8s controller to create PostgresSQL databases. Once you install the controller and point it at your existing PostgresSQL database instance, you can create PostgresDatabase
resource in k8s and the controller will create a database in your PostgresSQL instance, create a role that with access to this database and optionally install any extensions and run extra SQL commands.
Example resource:
apiVersion: postgresql.org/v1
kind: PostgresDatabase
name: app1
dbName: db1
dbRoleName: user1
dbRolePassword: swordfish
Pull requests welcome.
Use the included Helm chart and set the host, username and password for your default PostgresSQL instance:
helm install ./chart --set config.postgres_instances.default.host=my-rds-instance.rds.amazonaws.com --set config.postgres_instances.default.user=root --set config.postgres_instances.default.password=admin_password
Or use the docker image: maxrocketinternet/postgres-controller
See examples to for how to add extensions, extra SQL commands and also how to drop databases when the k8s resource is deleted.
See example-config.yaml for example chart values file.
To test locally, start a postgres container:
docker run -d -p -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres postgres:9.6
Start the controller, it will use your default kubectl configuration/context:
./controller.py --log-level=debug --config-file=example-config.yaml
Create or change some resources:
kubectl apply -f examples/simple.yaml