A debug console for Street Gears
Start the game with /debug
parameter, the debug console will be loaded automatically.
- X Position
- Y Position
- Z Position
- Memory address of the position
- Output (send)
- Input (recv)
- Saved in file "PacketLog.txt", format "[0xID] %02x ..."
- Shown in the "Packets" menu:
- 'S' -> sended packets
- 'R' -> received packets
- Filter debug messages ("dbg_blacklist.txt")
- Highlight debug messages ("dbg_highlight.txt")
- Shown in the "Debug Info" menu
- Saved in file "DebugLog.txt"
- Filter debug messages ("dbg_blacklist.txt")
- Highlight debug messages ("dbg_highlight.txt")
Create "dbg_blacklist.txt" in the game folder. Write on each line a string that you want to filter. It works for debug messages and packets log.
Exemple of "dbg_blacklist.txt":
top coll
Create "dbg_highlight.txt" in the game folder. Write on each line the code of the color and the string you want to highlight seperated with a space. It works for debug messages and packets log.
Exemple of "dbg_highlight.txt":
4 SelectInvenItem
Color code:
0 : White
1 : Cyan
2 : Magenta
3 : Yellow
4 : Green
5 : Red
- Left arrow -> Show packets
- Right arrow -> Show debug messages
- Up arrow -> Show / Hide sended
- Down arrow -> Show / Hide received packets
- 't' -> Change the player position
- 'h' -> Display help menu
- 'c' -> Clear displayed informations
- send (Ws2_32.dll) for packets log
- recv (Ws2_32.dll) for packets log
- IsDebuggerPresent (Kernel32.dll) for debug messages
- OutputDebugStringA (Kernel32.dll) for debug messages
- 0x0046A3EF (StreetGear.exe) for player position
[27 / 06 / 2016]
- Fixed a porblem with packet display
[22 / 06 / 2016]
- Added a clear option (see "Keys" section)
- Blacklist now works with packets log
[29 / 05 / 2016]
- Added Changelog (README)
- Added help menu (see "Keys" section)
- It's now possible to change the coordinates (see "Keys" section)
[22 / 05 / 2016]
- Added packet view
- Added colors in debug info and packets view
[13 / 05 / 2016]
- Added log of debug informations
- Added memory address of player position
[19 / 04 / 2016]
- Some small modifications
[19 / 03 / 2016]
- Packet log
- Show coordinates
Astropilot -> Debug Infos