Here's how to get your development environment up.
Create a new Python virtual environment.
virtualenv --python=python3 ve
source ve/bin/activate
ve/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
this micro web-service uses Flask. Before starting it, you must run the following export:
Alternatively, by using DIRENV this environment variable is automatically loaded when navigating to this folder. The file, .envrc, defines the environment variables used by flask. You must run the following command once:
direnv allow
(see below for instructions on how to install DIRENV)
flask run
To test locally, you'll need ngrok and Postman. Install these if you don't already have them.
- Start ngrok. Make note of the URL it's running on. you'll need to specify it in Postman
- Start Postman
- Change the HTTP type to POST (see 1)
- Enter the URL ngrok is running on (see 2)
- Click on 'Body' tab
- Enter your input to send to the micro-service (see 3)
- Click 'Send'
- The result will be show below in JSON format (see 4)
To install DIRENV, run the following command:
pip install direnv or pip3 install direnv
Modify your shell profile (i.e. ~/.bash_profile) by adding the following:
eval "$(direnv hook bash)"
Restart your shell (i.e. Terminal window)