The gem makes it easier to create search filters for your pages. It helps create forms for search filters, sort, paginate data.
Search filters are forms used to filters the rows on pages with list/table data.
The gem uses kaminari for pagination, simple_form with bootstrap styles for building forms.
gem 'simple_search_filter'
bundle install
- for bootstrap 4 with Rails 5 - use version >=0.1.0 or branch 'bootstrap4'
gem 'simple_search_filter', '0.1.1'
# or branch bootstrap4
gem 'simple_search_filter', :github => "maxivak/simple_search_filter", :branch => "bootstrap4"
- for bootstrap 3 with Rails 5 - use branch 'rails5'
gem 'simple_search_filter', :github => "maxivak/simple_search_filter", :branch => "rails5"
- for bootstrap 4:
gem 'simple_search_filter', :github => "maxivak/simple_search_filter", :branch => "bootstrap4"
Define filter in controller
# app/controllers/products_controller.rb
class ProductsController < ApplicationController
search_filter :index, {url: :products_path} do
default_order "price", 'asc'
field :title, :string, :text, {label: 'Title', default_value: '', condition: :like_full}
This will define filter with one field 'title' with value of type 'string' and form input of type 'text'.
Here, :index
is the corresponding action name for which filter is defined.
Define index
action in controller and use filter to get data:
# app/controllers/products_controller.rb
class ProductsController < ApplicationController
def index
@items = Product.by_filter (@filter)
By default, params for filter are passed using GET request.
# app/controllers/products_controller.rb
class ProductsController < ApplicationController
search_filter :index, {url: :products_path} do
If you want search form to be submitted by POST method use option ':search_method=>:post_and_redirect':
class ProductsController < ApplicationController
search_filter :index, {save_session: true, search_method: :post_and_redirect, url: :products_url, search_url: :search_products_url} do
def index
@items = Product.by_filter (@filter)
If it is posted to a separate action (search_method: :post_and_redirect) then a route for search action should be created:
Define route for processing POST request:
# config/routes.rb
Myrails::Application.routes.draw do
resources :products do
collection do
post 'search'
Read more in [](Wiki-Search using POST)
Include into your model to define scope:
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
# ...
it defines scope :search_by_filter
, which can be used as Product.search_by_filter(@filter)
render form using simple_form with bootstrap:
# render inline form
= inline_filter_form_for(@filter)
# render horizontal form
= horizontal_filter_form_for(@filter)
Click on table header will sort data by the corresponding column. Another click on the same column will sort in reverse order.
# app/views/products/index.html.haml
%h1 Products
= inline_filter_form_for @filter
%th= link_to_sortable_column :title, 'Title'
%th= link_to_sortable_column :price, 'Price'
- @items.each do |item|
%td= item.price
field :int, :string, :select, { label: 'Category', default_value: 0, collection: [['USD',1],['CAD',2]], label_method: :first, value_method: :last}
field :category_id, :int, :select, {label: 'Category', default_value: 0, collection: Category.all, label_method: :name, value_method: :id}
Options for select are taken from simple_form.
- autocomplete
field :category, :string, :autocomplete, {label: 'Category', default_value: '', :source_query => :autocomplete_categories_url}
It uses bootstrap3_autocomplete_input gem. See available options in the gem.
by default, it will be filtered by text field :category, not by id.
usually, field of type autocomplete is used to filter by id. Use option :search_by =>:id to search by id value:
field :category, :string, :autocomplete, {search_by: :id, label: 'Category', default_value: '', :source_query => :autocomplete_categories_url}
Read in wiki: Customization
Read in wiki: How it works
Find examples in Wiki