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official JetBrains project Join the chat at Gradle Plugin Release

This project requires JVM version of at least 1.7


This project requires Gradle 3.4 or newer

This plugin allows you to build plugins for IntelliJ platform using specific IntelliJ SDK and bundled plugins.

The plugin adds extra IntelliJ-specific dependencies, patches processResources tasks to fill some tags (name, version) in plugin.xml with appropriate values, patches compile tasks to instrument code with nullability assertions and forms classes made with IntelliJ GUI Designer and provides some build steps which might be helpful while developing plugins for IntelliJ platform.



plugins {
  id "org.jetbrains.intellij" version "0.4.1"

Snapshot version

Use the following code to get the latest features
buildscript {
  repositories {
    maven {
      url ""
    maven { 
      url '' 
  dependencies {
    classpath "org.jetbrains.intellij.plugins:gradle-intellij-plugin:0.5.0-SNAPSHOT"

apply plugin: 'org.jetbrains.intellij'


Plugin introduces the following tasks

Task Description
buildPlugin Assembles plugin and prepares zip archive for deployment.
patchPluginXml Collects all plugin.xml files in sources and fill since/until build and version attributes.
prepareSandbox Creates proper structure of plugin, copies patched plugin xml files and fills sandbox directory with all of it.
prepareTestingSandbox Prepares sandbox that will be used while running tests
runIde Executes an IntelliJ IDEA instance with the plugin you are developing.
publishPlugin Uploads plugin distribution archive to
verifyPlugin Validates plugin.xml and plugin's structure.


Plugin provides following options to configure target IntelliJ SDK and build archive

Setup DSL

The following attributes are part of the Setup DSL intellij { ... } in which allows you to setup the environment and dependencies.

Attributes Values
pluginName - The name of the target zip-archive and defines the name of plugin artifact. Acceptable Values:
String - 'gradle-intellij-plugin'

Default Value: $
version - The version of the IDE distribution that should be used as a dependency.

  • Value may have IC-, IU-, CL-, RD or JPS- prefix in order to define IDE distribution type.
  • intellij.version and intellij.localPath should not be specified at the same time.
Acceptable Values:
  • build #
    '2017.2.5' or 'IC-2017.2.5'
  • version #
    '172.4343' or 'IU-172.4343'
type - The type of IDE distribution. Acceptable Values:
  • 'IC' - IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition.
  • 'IU' - IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition.
  • 'JPS' - JPS-only.
  • 'CL' - CLion.
  • 'RD' - Rider.
  • 'MPS' - MPS.
Default Value: 'IC'
plugins - The list of bundled IDE plugins and plugins from the JetBrains Plugin Repository.

  • For plugins from the JetBrains Plugin Repository use format pluginId:version.
  • For bundled plugins use directory name of the plugin in IDE distribution (e.g. Groovy for IDEA/plugins/Groovy).
  • For sub-projects use project reference project(':subproject').
Acceptable Values:
    'org.intellij.plugins.markdown:8.5.0', 'org.intellij.scala:2017.2.638@nightly'
  2. bundledPluginName
    'android', 'Groovy'
  3. project(':projectName')
Default Value: none
updateSinceUntilBuild - Should plugin patch plugin.xml with since and until build values?

  • If true then user-defined values from patchPluginXml.sinceBuild and patchPluginXml.untilBuild will be used (or their default values if none set).
Acceptable Values: true false

Default Value: true
sameSinceUntilBuild - Should plugin patch plugin.xml with an until build value that is just an "open" since build?

  • Is useful for building plugins against EAP IDE builds.
  • If true then the user-defined value from patchPluginXml.sinceBuild (or its default value) will be used as a since and an "open" until value.
  • If patchPluginXml.untilBuild has a value set, then sameSinceUntilBuild is ignored.
Acceptable Values: true false

Default Value: false
instrumentCode - Should plugin instrument java classes with nullability assertions and compile forms created by IntelliJ GUI Designer? Acceptable Values: true false

Default Value: true
downloadSources - Should plugin download IntelliJ sources while initializing Gradle build?

  • Since sources are not needed while testing on CI, you can set it to false for a particular environment.
Acceptable Values: true false

Default Value: true if CI environment variable is not set
localPath - The path to locally installed IDE distribution that should be used as a dependency.

  • intellij.version and intellij.localPath should not be specified at the same time.
Acceptable Values:
path - '/Applications/'

Default Value: null
sandboxDirectory - The path of sandbox directory that is used for running IDE with developing plugin. Acceptable Values:
path - '${project.rootDir}/.sandbox'

Default Value: '${project.buildDir}/idea-sandbox'
alternativeIdePath - The absolute path to the locally installed JetBrains IDE.

  • Use this property if you want to test your plugin in any non-IDEA JetBrains IDE such as WebStorm or Android Studio.
  • Empty value means that the IDE that was used for compiling will be used for running/debugging as well.
Acceptable Values:
path - '/Applications/Android'

Default Value: none
ideaDependencyCachePath - The absolute path to the local directory that should be used for storing IDE distributions.

  • Empty value means the Gradle cache directory will be used.
Acceptable Values:
path - '<example>'

Default Value: none
intellijRepo, pluginsRepo, jreRepo - Urls of repositories for downloading IDE distributions, plugin dependencies and JetBrains Java Runtime.

Acceptable Values:

Default Value:,,

Running DSL

runIde task extends JavaExec Gradle task, all configuration attributes of JavaExec task can be used in runIde as well.

In addition to that, following attributes may be used to customize IDE running:

Attributes Default Value
jbreVersion JetBrains Java version to use Acceptable Values: String - 'jbrex8u112b752.4'

All JetBrains Java version are available at BitTray.

Default Value: null for IDE < 2017.3, builtin java version for IDE >= 2017.3
ideaDirectory Path to IDE distribution path to IDE-dependency
configDirectory Path to configuration directory ${intellij.sandboxDirectory}/config
pluginsDirectory Path to plugins directory ${intellij.sandboxDirectory}/plugins
systemDirectory Path to indexes directory ${intellij.sandboxDirectory}/system

Patching DSL

The following attributes are apart of the Patching DSL patchPluginXml { ... } in which allows Gradle to patch specific attributes in a set of plugin.xml files.

Attributes Default Value
version is a value for the <version> tag. project.version
sinceBuild is for the since-build attribute of the <idea-version> tag. IntelliJIDEBuildNumber
untilBuild is for the until-build attribute of the <idea-version> tag. IntelliJIDEBranch.*
pluginDescription is for the <description> tag. none
changeNotes is for the <change-notes> tag. none
pluginXmlFiles is a collection of xml files to patch. All plugin.xml files with <idea-plugin>
destinationDir is a directory to store patched xml files. '${project.buildDir}/patchedPluginXmlFiles'

Publishing DSL

The following attributes are apart of the Publishing DSL publishPlugin { ... } in which allows Gradle to upload a working plugin to the JetBrain Plugin Repository.

See the instruction on how to generate authentication token:

Attributes Default Value
token Authentication token none
username Login username none
password Login password none
channels List of channel names to upload plugin to. [default]
host URL host of a plugin repository.
distributionFile Jar or Zip file of plugin to upload output of buildPlugin task

Instrumenting DSL

The following attributes help you to tune instrumenting behaviour in instrumentCode { ... } block.

Attributes Default Value
compiler version is a version of instrumenting compiler. It's used for non-IDEA plugins (e.g. CLion or Rider). Build number of the IDE dependency


plugins {
  id "org.jetbrains.intellij" version "0.4.1"

intellij {
  version 'IC-2018.3'
  plugins = ['coverage', 'org.intellij.plugins.markdown:']
  pluginName 'MyPlugin'

publishPlugin {
  username 'zolotov'
  password 'password'
  channels 'nightly'

Getting started

Here is the manual on how to start developing plugins for IntelliJ IDEA using Gradle.


As examples of using this plugin you can check out following projects:


Copyright 2019 org.jetbrains.intellij.plugins

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.


Plugin for building plugins for IntelliJ IDEs







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  • Groovy 100.0%