Lightweight Golang REPL library, inspired by GNU Readline. You provide the Eval
function, and go-repl
does the rest.
Your REPLs that use this library will enjoy the following features:
- Session history with reverse-search
- Ctrl-R to start reverse-search
- Most edit commands, except the most basic ones, exit the reverse-search mode
- Use Up/Down to cycle through a filtered list of history entries
- The input buffer is redrawn when a resize is detected
- Status bar at bottom with current working dir and other info
- Truncation of very long inputs (status bar displays info about cursor position)
- Common edit and movement commands:
- Right/Left: move cursor one character at a time
- Ctrl-Right/Left: move cursor one word at a time
- Up/Down: cycle through history
- Backspace/Delete: works as expected
- Shift-Enter: insert newline into buffer without invoking
- Ctrl-A or Home: move to start of buffer
- Ctrl-E or End: move to end of buffer
- Ctrl-W: delete preceding word
- Ctrl-Q: delete following word
- Ctrl-C or Esc: ignore current input and reset buffer
- Ctrl-D: quit REPL
- Ctrl-U: clear buffer to start
- Ctrl-K: clear buffer to end
- Ctrl-L: reset prompt at top and redraw buffer
- Ctrl-Y: insert previous deletion (from Ctrl-K, Ctrl-U, Ctrl-Q or Ctrl-W)
- Doesn't depend on ncurses
- Performance hasn't yet been optimized and I haven't yet tested all corner cases exhaustively
- Might not work in Windows command prompt (keystroke codes could differ, ANSI escape sequences might not be supported, the method that sets terminal to raw mode might not work)
- No vi edit mode
- No support for clipboards yet
Fetch this library with the following command:
$ go get -u
In order to create your own REPL you have to define a type that implements the Handler
type Handler interface {
Prompt() string
Tab(buffer string) string
Eval(line string) string
Here is a complete example (can also be found in ./examples/basic_repl.go
package main
import (
repl ""
var helpMessage = `help display this message
add <int> <int> add two numbers
quit quit this program`
// implements repl.Handler interface
type MyHandler struct {
r *repl.Repl
func main() {
fmt.Println("Welcome, type \"help\" for more info")
h := &MyHandler{}
h.r = repl.NewRepl(h)
// start the terminal loop
if err := h.r.Loop(); err != nil {
func (h *MyHandler) Prompt() string {
return "> "
func (h *MyHandler) Tab(buffer string) string {
return "" // do nothing
func (h *MyHandler) Eval(line string) string {
fields := strings.Fields(line)
if len(fields) == 0 {
return ""
} else {
cmd, args := fields[0], fields[1:]
switch cmd {
case "help":
return helpMessage
case "add":
if len(args) != 2 {
return "\"add\" expects 2 args"
} else {
return add(args[0], args[1])
case "quit":
return ""
return fmt.Sprintf("unrecognized command \"%s\"", cmd)
func add(a_ string, b_ string) string {
a, err := strconv.Atoi(a_)
if err != nil {
return "first arg is not an integer"
b, err := strconv.Atoi(b_)
if err != nil {
return "second arg is not an integer"
return strconv.Itoa(a + b)