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Folders and files

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11 Commits

Repository files navigation

 /$$   /$$ /$$$$$$$$
| $$  | $$|____ /$$/
| $$  | $$   /$$$$/
| $$  | $$  /$$__/
| $$$$$$$/ /$$$$$$$$  zsh micro plugin manager
| $$____/ |________/
| $$
| $$

GitHub file size in bytes


Clone from GitHub and source uz.zsh.

git clone ~/.uz
# ~/.zshrc
source ~/.uz/uz.zsh


Add Plugins

Add plugins' Github repo to .zshrc with zadd. Plugins are automatically installed on load.

zadd zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting
zadd zsh-users/zsh-completions

By default µz sources init.zsh or plugin_name.(zsh|plugin.zsh|zsh-theme|sh) but you can also specify another script to the zadd command as follows:

zadd username/repo script_name

Manage Plugins

  • zclean: removes plugins no longer in .zshrc.
  • zupdate: update installed plugins.

Installation Path

By default plugins are installed into ~/${UZ_PATH}/plugins. This behavior can be changed re-setting UZ_PLUGIN_PATH.

export UZ_PLUGIN_PATH=${UZ_PATH}/plugins # default


# ~/.zshrc
source ~/.uz/uz.zsh

zadd maxdrorigo/gitster
zadd maxrodrigo/zsh-kubernetes-contexts
zadd zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting
zadd zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search
zadd zsh-users/zsh-completions


  • zsh
  • git


μz only creates folders for the cloned modules and, by default, are self contained into the installation directory.

To uninstall remove the installation directory ($UZ_PATH) and the modules folder ($UZ_PLUGIN_PATH) if applicable.

Other Notes

Updating benchmark

ls -d ${UZ_PLUGIN_PATH}/*/.git
0.00s user 0.00s system 77% cpu 0.002 total

find $UZ_PLUGIN_PATH -type d -name .git -prune
0.01s user 0.00s system 95% cpu 0.006 total

find $UZ_PLUGIN_PATH -type d -exec test -e '{}/.git' \; -print0
0.19s user 0.09s system 100% cpu 0.286 total