ebdb379 Release commit for zookeeper-operator v0.1.0
bb761d4 docs: update README
a3a4acc deploy: add all in one yaml for operator deployment
563fb19 build: add ci for release and publish
a38fef1 fix: add rbac rules for deployment
51d9bff build: push container image to
0c10d2e docs: update details
77b5bdb refactor: split reconcile funcs into specific files
ec88401 fix: zookeeper hostname resolve
2b7e97a feat: requeue regularly to update cluster status continuously
c28c64c docs: update details
3fb438b docs: update due to new spec
c820c7b feat: add more server stats to CR status
4468364 feat: add lifecycle to deploy a real cluster
c422811 docs: add new ideas for solution 1
a084d73 feat: add predicate to prevent reconcile again after updating
c3acc76 feat: add owner references
b7f1f6a refactor: seperate reoncile functions
bf8638b docs: update architecture
594b6f6 docs: add system design documentation
64fec0a feat: sync zookeeper cluster stat to CR status from adminserver
a6ecb99 feat: inject envs from config
69fc89a feat: sync CR status
9165c3b feat: create client service for zookeeper cluster
bb871d5 feat: add ready and address in status to printcolumn
aac21b5 feat: create zookeeper headless service and statefulset
96ff78b docs: update spec description
0dbf9bb docs: update prd
1d0afa6 feat: init zookeeper cluster api definitions
ea2987e init project with kubebuilder
7a9c800 init project with prd
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