This package is a source-to-source translator that outputs JavaScript. The
input dialect looks a lot like JavaScript, but introduces the await
primitive, which allows asynchronous callback style code to work more
like straight-line threaded code. tamejs is written in JavaScript.
One of the core powers of the tamejs rewriting idea is that it's
fully compatible with existing vanilla-JS code (like node.js
libraries). That is, existing node.js
can call code that's been
output by the tamejs rewriter, and conversely, code output by the
tamejs rewriter can call existing node.js
code. Thus, tamejs is
incrementally deployable --- you can keep all of your old code and
just write the new bits in tamejs! So try it out and let us
know what you think.
Now available in
Version v0.4 just released, with initial support for what everyone has
been asking for --- Tame-aware stack traces! See the section
"Debugging and Stack Traces..." below for more details. Also,
we've added autocb
s, that fire whenever your tamed function returns.
Here is a simple example that prints "hello" 10 times, with 100ms delay slots in between:
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
await { setTimeout (defer (), 100); }
console.log ("hello");
There is one new language addition here, the await { ... }
and also one new primitive function, defer
. The two of them work
in concert. A function must "wait" at the close of a await
until all defer
rals made in that await
block are fulfilled. The
function defer
returns a callback, and a callee in an await
block can fulfill a deferral by simply calling the callback it was
given. In the code above, there is only one deferral produced in each
iteration of the loop, so after it's fulfilled by setTimer
in 100ms,
control continues past the await
block, onto the log line, and back
to the next iteration of the loop. The code looks and feels like
threaded code, but is still in the asynchronous idiom (if you look at
the rewritten code output by the tamejs compiler).
This next example does the same, while showcasing power of the
language addition. In the example below, the two timers
are fired in parallel, and only when both have fulfilled their deferrals
(after 100ms), does progress continue...
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
await {
setTimeout (defer (), 100);
setTimeout (defer (), 10);
console.log ("hello");
Now for something more useful. Here is a parallel DNS resolver that will exit as soon as the last of your resolutions completes:
var dns = require("dns");
function do_one (cb, host) {
var err, ip;
await { dns.resolve (host, "A", defer (err, ip));}
if (err) { console.log ("ERROR! " + err); }
else { console.log (host + " -> " + ip); }
function do_all (lst) {
await {
for (var i = 0; i < lst.length; i++) {
do_one (defer (), lst[i]);
do_all (process.argv.slice (2));
You can run this on the command line like so:
node src/13out.js
And you will get a response: ->,,,, ->,,,,, -> -> ->,
If you want to run these DNS resolutions in serial (rather than
parallel), then the change from above is trivial: just switch the
order of the await
and for
statements above:
function do_all (lst) {
for (var i = 0; i < lst.length; i++) {
await {
do_one (defer (), lst[i]);
We've shown parallel and serial work flows, what about something in between? For instance, we might want to make progress in parallel on our DNS lookups, but not smash the server all at once. A compromise is windowing, which can be achieved in tamejs conveniently in a number of different ways. The 2007 academic paper on tame suggests a technique called a rendezvous. A rendezvous is implemented in tamejs as a pure JS construct (no rewriting involved), which allows a program to continue as soon as the first deferral is fulfilled (rather than the last):
function do_all (lst, windowsz) {
var rv = new tame.Rendezvous ();
var nsent = 0;
var nrecv = 0;
while (nrecv < lst.length) {
if (nsent - nrecv < windowsz && nsent < n) {
do_one ( (nsent).defer (), lst[nsent]);
} else {
var evid;
await { rv.wait (defer (evid)); }
console.log ("got back lookup nsent=" + evid);
This code maintains two counters: the number of requests sent, and the
number received. It keeps looping until the last lookup is received.
Inside the loop, if there is room in the window and there are more to
send, then send; otherwise, wait and harvest. Rendezvous.defer
makes a deferral much like the defer
primitive, but it can be
labeled with an idenfitier. This way, the waiter can know which
deferral has fulfileld. In this case we use the variable nsent
as the
defer ID --- it's the ID of this deferral in launch order. When we
harvest the deferral, rv.wait
fires its callback with the ID of the
deferral that's harvested.
Note that with windowing, the arrival order might not be the same as the issue order. In this example, a slower DNS lookup might arrive after faster ones, even if issued before them.
In Tame, arbitrary composition of serial and parallel control flows is
possible with just normal functional decomposition. Therefore, we
don't allow direct await
nesting. With inline anonymous JavaScript
functions, you can consicely achieve interesting patterns. The code
below launches 10 parallel computations, each of which must complete
two serial actions before finishing:
function f(cb) {
await {
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
(function (cb) {
await { setTimeout (defer (), 5*Math.random ()); }
await { setTimeout (defer (), 4*Math.random ()); }
})(defer ());
Most of the times, a tamed function will call its callback and return
at the same time. To get this behavior "for free", you can simply
name this callback autocb
and it will fire whenver your tamed function
returns. For instance, the above example could be equivalently written as:
function f(autocb) {
await {
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
(function (autocb) {
await { setTimeout (defer (), 5*Math.random ()); }
await { setTimeout (defer (), 4*Math.random ()); }
})(defer ());
In the first example, recall, you call cb()
explicitly. In this
example, because the callback is named autocb
, it's fired
automatically when the tamed function returns.
If your callback needs to fulfill with a value, then you can pass
that value via return
. Consider the following function, that waits
for a random number of seconds between 0 and 4. After waiting, it
then fulfills its callback cb
with the amount of time it waited:
function rand_wait(cb) {
var time = Math.floor (Math.random()*5);
if (time == 0) {
cb(0); return;
await setTimeout (defer (), time);
cb(time); // return here, implicitly.....
This function can written equivalently with autocb
function rand_wait(autocb) {
var time = Math.floor (Math.random()*5);
if (time == 0) {
return 0;
await setTimeout (defer (), time);
return time;
Implicitly, return 0;
is mapped by the tamejs compiler to autocb(0); return
Install via npm:
npm install -g tamejs
You can their either use the tamejs compiler on the command line:
tamejs -o <outfile> <infile>
node <outfile> # or whatever you want
Or as an extension to node's module import system:
require ('tamejs').register (); // register the *.tjs suffix
require ("mylib.tjs"); // then use node.js's import as normal
If you want a different extension, this will work:
require ('tamejs').register ('tamejs'); // register the *.tamejs suffix
require ("mylib.tamejs"); // then use node.js's import as normal
Or, finally, you can call register
to do a few things at once,
including multiple suffix registrations:
// Will register suffixes 'tamejs' and 'yojs'; will
// also enable tame stack tracing, and disable caching of
// .tjs files included at runtime
require ('tamejs').register ({ extension : [ 'tamejs', 'yojs'],
catchExceptions : true,
disableCache : true })
require ("mylib.tamejs");
require ("yourlib.yojs");
can be called in one of two ways.
The first allows for inline declaration of the callback slot variables:
await { dns.resolve ("", defer (var err, ip)); }
In the tamed output code, the variables err
and ip
will be
declared right before the start of the await
block that contains them.
The second approach does not auto-declare the callback slot variables, but allows more flexibility:
var d = {};
var err = [];
await { dns.resolve ("", defer (err[0], d.ip)); }
This second version allows anything you'd normally put on the left-hand side of an assignment.
For callbcacks with variadic return, tamejs
also supports the rest
proposal. The above code could have been written as:
var d = {};
var err = [];
var rest;
await { dns.resolve ("", defer (; }
err[0] = rest[0];
d.ip = rest[1];
And of course, it's allowable to mix and match:
var d = {};
var err = [];
var rest;
await { dns.resolve ("", defer (err[0],; }
d.ip = rest[0];
The Rendezvous
is a not a core tamejs feature, meaning it's written as a
straight-ahead JavaScript library. It's quite useful for more advanced
control flows, so we've included it in the main runtime library.
The Rendezvous
is similar to a blocking condition variable (or a
"Hoare sytle monitor") in threaded programming.
Associate a new deferral with the given Rendezvous, whose deferral ID is
, and whose callbacks slots are supplied as slots
. Those slots
can take the two forms of defer
return as above (i.e.,
declarative, or generic). As with standard defer
, the
return value of the Rendezvous
's defer
is fed to a function
expecting a callback. As soon as that callback fires (and the deferral
is fulfilled), the provided slots will be filled with the arguments to
that callback.
You don't need to explicitly assign an ID to a deferral generated from a
Rendezvous. If you don't, one will automatically be assigned, in
ascending order starting from 0
Wait until the next deferral on this rendezvous is fulfilled. When it
is, callback cb
with the ID of the fulfilled deferral. If an
unclaimed deferral fulfilled before wait
was called, then cb
is fired
Though wait
would work with any hand-rolled JS function expecting
a callback, it's meant to work particularly well with tamejs's
Here is an example that shows off the different inputs and
outputs of a Rendezvous
. It does two parallel DNS lookups,
and reports only when the first returns:
var hosts = [ "", "" ];
var ips = [ ], errs = [];
var rv = new tame.Rendezvous ();
for (var i in hosts) {
dns.resolve (hosts[i], (i).defer (errs[i], ips[i]));
await rv.wait (defer (var which));
console.log (hosts[which] + " -> " + ips[which]);
A connector is a tamejs function that takes as input
a callback, and outputs another callback. The best example
is a timeout
, given here:
Timeout an arbitrary async operation.
Given a callback cb
, a time to wait time
, and an array to output a
result res
, return another callback. This connector will set up a
race between the callback returned to the caller, and the timer that
fires after time
milliseconds. If the callback returned to the
caller fires first, then fill res[0] = true;
. If the timer won
(i.e., if there was a timeout), then fill res[0] = false;
In the following example, we timeout a DNS lookup after 100ms:
require ('tamejs').register (); // since connectors is a tamed library...
var timeout = require ('tamejs/lib/connectors').timeout;
var info = [];
var host = "";
await dns.lookup (host, timeout (defer (var err, ip), 100, info));
if (!info[0]) {
console.log (host + ": timed out!");
} else if (err) {
console.log (host + ": error: " + err);
} else {
console.log (host + " -> " + ip);
There's another way to do the windowed DNS lookups we saw earlier ---
you can use the control flow library called Pipeliner
, which
manages the common pattern of having "m calls total, with only
n of them in flight at once, where m > n."
The Pipeliner class is available in the connectors library:
require ('tamejs').register (); // since connectors is a tamed library...
var Pipeliner = require ('tamejs/lib/connectors').Pipeliner;
var pipeliner = new Pipeliner (w,s);
Using the pipeliner, we can rewrite our earlier windowed DNS lookups as follows:
function do_all (lst, windowsz) {
var pipeliner = new Pipeliner (windowsz);
for (var i in lst) {
await pipeliner.waitInQueue (defer ());
do_one (pipeliner.defer (), lst[i]);
await pipeliner.flush (defer ());
The API is as follows:
Create a new Pipeliner controller, with a window of at most w
out at once, and waiting s
seconds before launching each call. The
default values are w = 10
and s = 0
Wait in a queue until there's room in the window to launch a new call.
The callback c
will be fulfilled when there is room.
Create a new defer
al for this pipeline, and pass it to whatever
function is doing the actual work. When the work completes, fulfill
this defer
al --- that will update the accounting in the pipeliner
class, allowing queued actions to proceed.
Wait for the pipeline to clear out. Fulfills the callback c
when the last action in the pipeline is done.
An oft-cited problem with async-style programming, with Tame or hand-rolled, is that stack traces are often incomplete or incomprehensible. If an exception is caught in a tamed function, the stack trace will only show the "bottom half" of the call stack, or all of those functions that are descendents of the main event loop. The "top half" of the call stack, telling you "who really called this function," is probably long gone.
Tame has a workaround to this problem. When a tamed function is
entered, the runtime will find the first argument to the function that
was output by defer()
. Such callbacks are annotated to contain the
file, line and function where they were created. They also are
annotated to hold a refernce to defer()
-generated callback passed to
the function in which they were created. This chaining creates an
implicit stack that can be walked when an exception is thrown.
Consider this example:
tame.catchExceptions ();
function foo (y) {
await setTimeout (defer (), 10);
throw new Error ("oh no!")
function bar (x) {
await foo (defer ());
function baz () {
await bar (defer ());
baz ();
The function tame.catchExceptions
sets the uncaughtException
handler in Node to print out the standard callstack, and also the Tame
"callstack", and then to exit. The callback generated by defer()
in the function bar
holds a reference to x
. Similarly,
the callback generated in foo
holds a reference to y
Here's what happens when this program is run:
Error: oh no!
at /home/max/node/tamejs/8.js:31:23
at callChain (/home/max/node/tamejs/lib/runtime.js:38:2)
at Deferrals._continuation (/home/max/node/tamejs/lib/runtime.js:38:23)
at Deferrals._fulfill (/home/max/node/tamejs/lib/runtime.js:149:11)
at Object._onTimeout (/home/max/node/tamejs/lib/runtime.js:64:4)
at Timer.callback (timers.js:83:39)
Tame 'stack' trace:
at bar (8.tjs:10)
at baz (8.tjs:15)
The first stack trace is the standard Node stacktrace. It is inscrutable, since it mainly covers Tame internals, and has line numbering relative to the translated file (I still haven't fixed this bug, sorry). The second stack trace is much better. It tells the sequence of tamed calls the lead to this exception. Line numbers are relative to the original input file.
In future releases, we'll be cleaning this feature up, but for now, it's a marked improvement over previous versions of tamejs.
The relavant API is as follows:
Start from the given cb
, or use the currently active callback
if none was given, and walk up the Tame-generated stack. Return
a list of call site descriptions. You can call this from your
own exception-handling code.
Tell the Tame runtime to catch uncaught exceptions, and to print a Tame-aware stack dump as above.
The key idea behind the tamejs implementation is
Continuation-Passing Style
compilation. That is, elements of code like for
, while
and if
statements are converted to anonymous JavaScript functions written
in continuation-passing style. Then, await
blocks just grab
those continuations, store them away, and call them when the
time is right (i.e., when all relevant deferrals have been fulfilled).
For example, the simple program:
if (true) { await { setTimeout (defer (), 100); } }
Is rewritten to something like the following (which has been hand-simplified for demonstration purposes):
var tame = require('tamejs').runtime;
var f0 = function (k) {
var f1 = function (k) {
var __cb = new tame.Deferrals (k);
setTimeout ( __cb.defer(), 100 ) ;
if (true) {
f1 (k);
} else {
f0 (tame.end);
That is, the function f0
is the rewrite of the if
Function f0
takes as a parameter the continuation k
, which
signifies "the rest of the program". In the case of this trivial
program, the rest of the program is just a call to the exit function
. Inside the if
statement, there are two branches. In
the true
branch, we call into f1
, the rewrite of the await
block, and in the false
branch, it's just go on with the rest of the
program by calling the continuation k
. Function f1
is doing
something a little bit different --- it's passing its continuation
into the pure JavaScript class tame.Deferrals
, which will hold onto it
until all associated deferrals (like the one passed to setTimeout
) have
been fulfilled. When the last deferral is fulfileld (here after 100ms), then
the tame.Deferrals
class calls the continuation k
, which here refers
to tame.end
The tamejs implementation uses other CPS-conversions for while
loops, turning standard iteration into tail-recursion. If you
are curious to learn more, examine the output of the tamejs compiler
to see what your favorite JavaScript control flow is translated to.
The translation of switch
is probably the trickiest.
As you might guess, the output code is less efficient than the input
code. All of the anonymous functions add bloat. This unfortunate
side-effect of our approach is mitigated by skipping CPS compilation
when possible. Functions with no await
blocks are passed through
unmolested. Similarly, blocks within tamed functions that don't call
can also pass through.
Another concern is that the use of tail recursion in translated loops might overflow the runtime callstack. That is certainly true for programs like the following:
while (true) { await { i++; } }
...but you should never write programs like these! That is, there's no
reason to have a await
block unless your program needs to wait for
some asynchronous event, like a timer fired, a packet arrival, or a
user action. Programs like these:
while (true) { await { setTimeout (defer (), 1); i++; } }
will not overflow the runtime stack, since the stack is unwound every
iteration through the loop (via setTimeout
). And these are the types
of programs that you should be using await
See the github issue tracker for the more immediate issues.
- Optimizations
- Can passThrough blocks in a tamed function that don't have awaits, so can get more aggressive here --- in progress, but can still seek out some more optimizations....
- Parsing
- Switch to uglify's parser? Would have to slightly modify it.
The Tame rewriting idea come about at OkCupid in 2006. Until that time, the website was written in an entirely asynchronous-callback-based style with OKWS in C++. This serving technology was extremely fast, and led to huge cost savings in hardware and hosting, but as the site's code grew, it became increasingly unmanageable. Simple serial loops with network access, like the sequential DNS example above, required "stack-ripping" into multiple mutually recursive calls. As more employees began to work the code, and editted code that they didn't write, development slowed to a crawl.
Chris Coyne, OkCupid's director of product, demanded that something be done. The requirements were manifold. The new solution had to be compatible with existing code; it had to be incrementally deployable, so that the whole codebase wouldn't need to be rewritten at once; it had to be nearly as fast as the status quo; it had to clean the code up, so that it was readable; it had to speed up and simplify development.
The answer that emerged was Tame for C++. It's a source-to-source
translator that mapped C++ with a few language additions into regular
C++, which is then compiled with a standard compiler (like gcc
). The
key implementation ideas behind Tame C++ are: (1) generate a heap-allocated
"closure" for each tamed function; (2) use labels and goto
to jump
back into tamed function as asynchronous events fired. Once Tame was
brought to bear on OkCupid's code, it offered almost all of the
flexibilty and performance of hand-crafted
asynchronous-callback-passing code without any of the stack-ripping
headaches. New employees picked it right up, and contributed to
the incremental effort to modernize OkCupid's code to the Tame
OkCupid to this day runs Tame and OKWS in C++ to churn out
high-performance, parallel applications, without worrying about
traditional thread-based headaches, like deadlock and race-conditions.
Our goal with tamejs is to bring these benefits to JavaScript and
the node.js
See for documentation and information on tamejs.
pubjs is yet another a node.js templating engine. But it allows arbtirarily nested code and output sections. Check it out, if you like this sample code:
foreach (match in matches) {
if (match.score > 60) {{<div>Excellent Match (%{match.score})</div>}}
else {{<div>Crap Match (%{match.score})</div>}}
foreach (friend in match.friends) {{
Has a friend named %{}
if (friend.gender == "f") {{ and she's a girl }}
As described above, the Tame source-to-source translator was originally written for asynchronous C++ code. It's an actively maintained project, and it is in widespread use at See the sfslite/tame Wiki for more information, or read the 2007 Usenix ATC paper.
- Max Krohn (first name AT okcupid DOT com)
- Chris Coyne (first name AT okcupid DOT com)
- Eddie Kohler (original Tame coauthor, and advisor)
- Martin Schürrer (vim mode; see
, see
Copyright (c) 2011 Max Krohn for HumorRainbow, Inc., under the MIT license