This is a font format converter that converts bdf font to lcdgfx c style free (= proportional) font. The converted font is for lcdgfx. lcdgfx is very usable driver for lcds, oleds, I like it! I also like U8G2 that is similar driver especialy for monochrome display. U8G2 has a lot of fonts, but lcdgfx has a few. So I made this converter. For example, there are nice fonts such as crox3hb. It comes from win_crox has been downloaded from (Xrus CP 1251 fonts).
First, you have to build bdf2lcdgfx.cpp to executable file. In my Win10 einviroment, it can be compiled and build with g++ on Mingw64.
Usage: 1. Run the executable "./bdf2lcdgfx" 2. Input bdf file name (No need to type extention ".bdf") 3. Then 2 files are built; fontname.c and fontname.h 4. Use the font following the guidance in lcdgfx wiki.
USERLOCATION> ./bdf2lcdgfx
!!! BDF to LCDFont format converter !!!
Input file name?
font_viewer.xlsx is excel sheet that can show a gryph with both bdf and lcdgfx format. It may help you to understand both font format bitmap structures.