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Terminimalist Bank

The bank built for terminal and minimalist freaks.

Terminimalist Bank Logo

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[:bulb:] Why?

Terminimalist Bank emerges as a solution for terminal and minimalist enthusiasts, the BaaS (Banking as a Service) for this very specific target audience, and my own wish to merge both in a comical project. So if you're a terminal enthusiast, you probably won't mind this simple interface or even the occasional financial setback due to JavaScript, as you value detachment.

[:telescope:] Preview

[:link:] Live Version

Not available, check the running instructions.

[:toolbox:] Tech Toolbox

  • JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • Chalk
  • Inquirer

[:chains:] Features Highlights

  • Colorized information display on the terminal
  • User interaction (input, outputs) via terminal
  • Vanilla JavaScript timer function (similar to sleep() on Python)
  • Modularized application

[:spiral_notepad:] Future Implementations

- [X] Add project information readme
- [ ] Add a new project logo
- [ ] Add a single handler/file to deal with all users banking data
- [ ] Add login/logoff functions in the system
- [ ] Improve user input validations for amounts and banking account names

[:key:] Running The Application

$ git clone
$ npm install
$ npm run start

[:page_facing_up:] Usage / Documentations

No documentation needed in this project. Simply run the application.

[:ballot_box:] Contribution / License

This project is sprinkled with the open-source enchantment of the MIT License. Feel free to dive into the code, contribute your wizardry, and craft your own magical creations. Let's conjure some innovation together! ✨🔮

View License

[:shield:] Badges

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[:handshake:] Acknowledgements

  • Author: Júlio Mazotti;
  • Inspired on Accounts by Matheus Battisti, Hora de Codar;

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The bank built for terminal and minimalist freaks.







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