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Sel – Sed Lisp

License: MIT

Have you ever wished you had a functional programming language, but all you had was GNU coreutils?

Wish no more, with Sed Lisp a Lisp interpreter in sed.

Quick start

$ make sel.sed
$ ./sel.sed <<EOF
val main (print "Hello, World!")
Hello, World!

The language


; Comments are ;

; Define values with val
val nil ()

; Write functions by quoting the function body, or with the func keyword
; The list function just returns its arguments
func list (args)
; ^^ syntactic sugar for val list (quote (args))

; usage: (foreach function list)
func foreach (
    (if (cadr-args) ; conditions are true if non-nil
            ((car-args) (caadr-args))
            (foreach (car-args) (cdadr-args))
        ; If the list is nil, do nothing

val main (foreach print
        "a warm greeting"
        "from sed lisp"

Run with:

$ make sel.sed
$ ./sel.sed example.sel
a warm greeting
from sed lisp


There are four basic datatypes:

  • Cons cells
  • Strings
  • Builtins
  • Nil


Everything is eagerly evaluated, unless it is quoted ((quote (whatever))).

In a list, each item is evaluated left-to-right, and then the head of the list is run with the tail as its arguments.

Within a function, you can get the args using the args or c[ad]+r-args builtins.

Sed Lisp also fully supports TCO.

Builtin functions

There are an infinite number of builtin functions:

  • quote: returns its first argument without evaluating anything
  • args: gets the arguments to the function
  • print: outputs its first argument, a string
  • if: (if cond a b) does b if cond is nil, and a otherwise
  • c[ad]+r: standard Lisp car, cdr, cadr, etc, but with an unlimited number of a's or d's
  • c[ad]+r-args: (car-args) is equivalent to (car (args)), but faster and easier
  • cons: creates a new cons cell
  • eq?: returns truthy if the args are equal
  • str-concat: concatenates all of its arguments, which should be strings
  • str-concatl: concatenates a list of strings
  • str-reverse-concat: concatenates all of its arguments, which should be strings, in reverse order
  • str-reverse-concatl: concatenates a list of strings, in reverse order
  • add: add numbers (numbers are strings [0-9]+)
  • dec: decrement a number

Dynamic symbol lookup and scope

There is no dynamic symbol lookup, and no scope.

Code is run in two steps:

  1. Parsing and name resolution. (File: parser.sed)

    The result is a collection of cons cells, strings, and builtins, with no names attached.

  2. Actually running it. (File: runner.sed)

Mutability and memory management

Also none. Everything is fully immutable, and all data is leaked.

However, it's not as memory-inefficient as that makes it seem: everything (strings, builtins, and even cons cells) is interned.


You can do arithmetic, too! See factorial.sel and fibonacci.sel for examples.

$ ./sel.sed factorial.sel
0! = 1
1! = 1
2! = 2
3! = 6
4! = 24
5! = 120
6! = 720
7! = 5040
8! = 40320
9! = 362880
10! = 3628800

It boasts AFAIK the fastest sed implementation of recursive fibonacci ever written: (OK this used to be sarcastic but honestly it's gotten a lot better)

$ time ./sel.sed fibonacci.sel # Initial version
(fibonacci 10) is 55

real	3m10.428s
user	2m59.080s
sys	0m11.140s
$ time ./sel.sed fibonacci.sel # Improved version
(fibonacci 10) is 55

real	0m57.010s
user	0m55.048s
sys	0m1.915s
$ time ./sel.sed fibonacci.sel # Latest and greatest
(fibonacci 10) is 55

real	0m6.738s
user	0m6.675s
sys	0m0.054s

(The tail-recursive variant takes just 8.9 seconds 300 milliseconds for the same task.)

Note: Earlier benchmarks said 6 minutes. That changed to 3 minutes since I got a new computer.

The implementation

It's MIT licensed, so you're free to use/modify/etc it. Not sure why you'd want to, though.

Requires GNU sed. Tested with GNU sed 4.8.

It's also blazing fast. The example program test-prog.sel performs multiple list traversals in under a second half a second!

$ time ./sel.sed test-prog.sel
sed lisp says: Check it out!
sed lisp says: Now with more recursion
sed lisp says:

real	0m0.204s
user	0m0.193s
sys	0m0.010s

It's in two parts, the parser and the runner. They're designed such that they can be run (and debugged) independently:

$ sed -E -f parser.sed input.sel > input.sec # sec for SEL Compiled
$ # OR
$ make input.sec
$ sed -nE -f read-all.sed -f runner.sed input.sec

See notes.txt for some design notes, and for my explanation of how the continuations work.


Sed Lisp -- a lisp interpreter in GNU sed







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