A small service that processes images into different sizes and performs extra CRUD operations
- Typescript
- Express
- PG(node-postgres)
- Multer
- Sharp
- Express-validator
- Start by downloading or cloning the project.
- Add the env variables as shown in the .env_example.
- Delete the DATABASE_URL from the .env file.
- Run docker-compose up inside the terminal.
- Run npm i to install all the necessary dependencies.
- Run npm run migrate inside the terminal.
- Run npm run dev inside the terminal
a list of all the available commands
- npm run dev : start the server.
- npm run build : compile to js.
- npm run migrate : creates the images table.
- npm start : start the server after compiling to js.
- npm run test: run all test suits.
PS: the migrate command also removes all rows from the db table this was added to avoid any issues that stem from saving images on heroku.