Command line tool written in C to query PJM web services. Currently, it only supports a couple of queries to Markets Gateway so this code is really only an example of what can be done. Uses libcurl for HTTP client, expat to parse XML, and writes to command line.
Should not be confused with the official PJM CLI.
Details of the PJM Markets Gateway web service can be found here.
Written in C because I wanted to learn libcurl and expat.
It is probably easiest to use docker/podman to run this.
docker build -t pjmcli .
Once the image has been built, run it by passing in your PJM username and password. If you don't have credentials, register to get some here.
docker run -e "PJM_USERNAME=<your username>" -e "PJM_PASSWORD=<your password>" pjmcli
If docker/podman are not an option, compile from source. First, install dependencies (Fedora):
dnf install -y expat-devel libcurl-devel cmake
Checkout this repo and compile.
git clone
cd pjmcli
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
Then to run the tool first set environment variables for username and password, then run the tool.
PJM_USERNAME=<your username>
PJM_PASSWORD=<your password>