eCommerce platform built with the MERN stack & Redux, showing MVC design pattern. It has register/signin functionality, product details screen along with product reviews and rating, cart functionality, user profile page that allows info update, checkout process and Paypal payment integration methods, admin management of orders, products and users.
Happy to take this one from create-react-app to Heroku deployment. I learned a whole bunch of things, added on my React skills, got better with debugging, got faster on writing code. The big challenge for me was the state management with Redux and although I am not a master yet, this code is a great reference for the future.
React and React-Bootstrap on the client side.
Redux for managing the global state.
Other dependencies: Axios for fetching data from the server, react-router-dom for managing routes.
Built with Node.js and Express.
MongoDb to store data, object modeling with Mongoose,
Bcryptjs for password hashing,
Jsonwebtoken for accessing private routes,
Dev Tools
Postman for testing routes
Nodemon and Concurently