Flyway migrations with Clojure Boot build tool
This is a simple task for boot to generate, apply and inspect database migrations. It's mostly a blatant copy of metaphor's lein-flyway adjusted to boot.
$ boot flyway -h
Evolve your Database Schema easily and reliably across all your instances.
-h, --help Print this help info.
-d, --driver DRIVER Set database driver to DRIVER.
-j, --url URL Set jdbc url to URL.
-u, --user USER Set user to connect with to USER.
-p, --password PASS Set password to connect with to PASS.
-c, --clean Drop all objects in the configured schemas.
-i, --info Prints the details and status information about all the migrations
-v, --validate Validates the applied migrations against the available ones
-m, --migrate Migrates pending migrations
-b, --baseline Baselines an existing database, excluding all migrations upto and including baselineVersion
-r, --repair Repair the metadata table
-g, --generate MIGRATION Set name of generated migration to MIGRATION.
-o, --options OPT=VAL Conj [OPT VAL] onto additional flyway options
Options may contains one of flyway defined ones:
baseline-version-as-string, baseline-description, locations, table, schemas, sql-migration-prefix, sql-migration-separator, sql-migration-suffix, encoding, placeholders, placeholder-replacement, placeholder-prefix, placeholder-suffix, resolvers, callbacks, target, out-of-order, validate-on-migrate, clean-on-validation-error, baseline-on-migrate
Not all have been tested, though :)
One note, locations
is set by default to db/migrations
which means that flyway will be looking for migration files at this directory (within available classpath). Changing this location is as easy as providing -o locations=my_dir
as task parameter.
As a consequence, also generating new migrations (-g
) will try to find locations
dir in classpath and place there newly created file.
To simplify all commands where driver and url is required, you may set task option in build.boot:
flyway {:driver "org.postgresql.Driver"
:url "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/template1?user=postgres"})
and now, you may omit -d
and -j
option from command line.
To generate brand new migration:
$ boot flyway -g "add_user_table"
Created resources/db/migrations/V20150514114110__add_user_table.sql
To clean database:
$ boot flyway -c
To get an information about applied / pending migrations:
$ boot flyway -i
| Version | Description | Installed on | State |
| 20150424001323 | add categories table | 2015-05-14 11:24:11 | Success |
| 20150512013853 | add user table | 2015-05-14 11:24:11 | Success |
| 20150512015102 | add is-confirmed to users | 2015-05-14 11:24:11 | Pending |
To set baseline:
$ boot flyway -b -o baseline-version-as-string=5.2
Copyright © Michał Buczko
Licensed under the EPL.