Broccoli plugin for vulcanizing HTML imports with Polymer vulcanize tool. It strips out HTML imports from files and then vulcanizes the import files. This is useful for preprocessing templates before compiling them.
npm install --save-dev broccoli-vulcanize-html-imports
var vulcanize = require('broccoli-vulcanize-html-imports');
var inputTree = 'templates';
var options = {
extensions: ['html', 'hbs'],
outputFile: 'assets/components.html',
overwrite: true,
excludes: [/^data:/, /^http[s]?:/, /^\//],
abspath: '/webroot/',
stripExcludes: false,
stripComments: false,
inlineScripts: false,
inlineCss: false,
implicitStrip: false
module.exports = vulcanize(inputTree, options);
Input Tree
+ - components
| + - component.hbs
+ - page.html
Output Tree
+ - assets
| + - components.html
| + - components.js
+ - components
| + - component.hbs
+ - page.html
The assets\components.html
and assets\components.js
are vulcanized import files and components\component.hbs
and page.html
are stripped out of HTML imports except the ones that are specified in excludes
See polymer vulcanize for details on options