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Codebase Description
attendance Attendance service
dashboard Dashboard service
tasks Background/Cron jobs
grafana Grafana dashboard
scripts Seeding, Benchmarking

Setup & Run

Prerequisites: Docker, Docker Compose, NodeJS npm/yarn

  • Build & start containers
$ docker compose up -d --build --remove-orphans
  • Seed database
$ cd scripts/
$ yarn install & yarn seed
  • Bench mark
$ cd scripts/
$ yarn benchmark

Design process

1000 schools, 10000 attendance records per school per day
=> 10 millions records / day


  • Server capacity: ~ 1500 rps

Assume all 1000 schools are in the same timezone, which will result peak traffic at 2 period of time (check-in/check-out).
Each period last approx 1 hour so our server has to be able to handle 5 million reqs/hour ~ 1400 rps

  • Write-heavy system.
  • Data of attendances is of type append-only.

High level design



  • Redis as a temporary storage for business logic purposes (e.g: check if users already checked in or not). It will be flushed everyday by tasks
  • Attendances records will be produced to kafka by attendance-service and then be consumed by dashboard-service
  • If consuming process goes wrong, records will be send to Dead Letter Queue (just a mongodb collection) for further processing.
  • There are 2 tasks: flush redis and process dead letter queue.

Key Optimization:

  • Redis memory

10 millions records per day require quite a lot of Redis storage.
=> Use hashmap to abstract the key:

Using plain key-value: 
      checkin:12345678  true
      checkin:12345612  true
      checkin:12345645  true
Using hashmap:
      checkin:123456  78  true
                      12  true
                      45  true

Using hashmap with some appropriate configurations result much lower storage cost. With 10 millions records, the first strategy will eat up ~ 1.6 GB, while the second result ~ 400 MB.
Implementation: redis-repo.ts

Reference: Redis Memory Optimization

  • Bulk pattern

Using bulk pattern to buffer and bulk write/publish can reduce the Round-trip cost.
Usecases: use Redis Pipeline to perfom write, use Kafka batch to send messages.

Implementation: bulk.ts


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