The main filter list
docs | add to uBo
Hide all Live/ Upcoming/ Premiere/ Streamed videos
docs | add to uBo
Hide all videos by verified artists and Music recommendations
docs | add to uBo
Block YouTube Shorts
This works best alongside BlockTube's shorts blocking feature, adds some filters on channel pages
docs | add to uBo
Block video tracking endpoints
!! Will break history and recommendations !!
docs | add to uBo
Exclusion List for YT Premium Members
Un-hides some premium features
docs | add to uBo
Extremely aggressive misc filters
docs | add to uBo
Conservative subset of yt-neuter for SponsorBlock (PRs require additional scrutiny)
docs | add to uBo
Hide forced low-view videos from browse feeds
docs | add to uBo
niche transformative filters requested
to add an exclusion for a costmetic filter, copy the offending filter to "Your Filters" and replace the ##
after with #@#
to add an exclusion for a URL filter, replace ||
with @@
! block subscribe button
! block endscreen
- ||*/player_ias.vflset/*/endscreen.js^$script