Originally on a gist but ported over to better track new elements to block
if you like this, you'll probably also like blocktube (no affiliation)
Filter URLs
GitHub: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mchangrh/yt-neuter/main/yt-neuter.txt
Serverless Redirect: https://neuter.mchang.xyz/filter
Less aggressive in elements to block
- product shopping/ merch (Creator)
- paid comments (Creator)
- membership (Creator)
- tickets (YT + Creator)
- generic popup (YT)
- brand features (YT)
Filter URLs
GitHub: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mchangrh/yt-neuter/main/filters/sponsorblock.txt
Serverless Redirect: https://neuter.mchang.xyz/filter/sponsorblock
Hide force-pushed low-view videos
Filter URLs
GitHub: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mchangrh/yt-neuter/main/filters/noview.txt
Serverless Redirect: https://neuter.mchang.xyz/filter/noview
- Disable recommended and playlist AutoPlay Install
- Change "Subscribe" background to blend in with the rest of the theme Install
- Make YT Quality icons red again Install
- Remove everything from description links but hostname Install
- Remove Emojis in Titles Install
- Remove channel trailers Install
- Remove Experiment Flags Install
- Persist YT Controls Install
- Replaces YouTube rounded views and relative date with absolute values Install
Force YouTube grid to fit more elements per row Install- broken due to YouTube changes with static values
- Replacment script: Roki100/YouTube-rows-fix
More scripts at mchangrh/uscripts
More specific or generic filters docs
Addon scriptlets for uBlock Origin to block/replace elements Instructions