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Mini Shell (mshell) is a rudimentary shell designed to run accross all
micropython board implementation. It support rudimentary file filesystem
operations and may be a useful tool when dealing with REPL remotely.
Command: Description : Example
help : display help file : help
cat : display file content : cat main.py
cp : Copy file (binary) : cp source.py destin.py
edit : start text editor : pye main.py
exit : exit mini-shell : exit
free : Free memory : free
ls : list files : ls -OR- ls /lib
more : paging file display : more
mv : Move a file : move source.py destin.py
rm : remove/delete file : rm demo.py
run : execute python file : run gp25.py -OR- run gp25 -OR- ./gp25
some command are available as plug-in stored in /lib/__<command>.py
plug-in : Description : Example
ptest : plug-in demo showing params : ptest logo.txt 128 -p=120
hexdump : display file in hexadecimal : hexdump logo.txt
ifconfig : display network interfaces details : ifconfig
wifi : manage Station wifi : wifi
: : wifi up, wifi down, wifi scan,
: : wifi connect SSID PSWD
touch : create empty file : touch data.log
append : append text to file : append target.txt "What men?"
uname : System identification/information : uname
df : Disk Free/disk usage : df -OR- df /sd
Help is fully detailled in the file mshell.txt.
Start it from REPL prompt by key-in from mshell import shell
then shell()
Sur une plateforme connectée:
>>> import mip
>>> mip.install("github:mchobby/micropython-minishell")
Ou via l'utilitaire mpremote :
mpremote mip install github:mchobby/micropython-minishell
The edit statement is implemented with the micropython editor from robert-hh which is a VT100 text editor.
You will find keyboard shortcuts on the readme file.
- shell no more executed at import. Use
from mshell import shell
- add ap plugins to control the access point.
- fix ifconfig plugins (display STA info for AP section).
- micropython.kbd_intr(-1) to disable KeyboardInterrupt on CTRL-C (not proven to work)
- edit commands now open the file (or create a new one).
- list available plug-ins at startup.
- improve documentation
- implement hexdump
- add plugins wifi, ifconfig
- move uname, df, append, touch to plug-ins
- display on 24 lines x 80 columns
- summary of commands + example. One line per command!
- ls, cat, more, ... now supporting path
- ls : now have paging
- free : garbage collect + display free memory
- help : also open mshell.txt from /lib
- more : cat with paging
- ./xxx : execute/reexcute a xxx.py python script (run command)
- plug-in command hexdump (not complete) and ptest (plug in test demo)
To add a plugin for a new command ptest
- Add the file
into thelib
subfolder. - Define the
ptest( shell, args )
function to implements the command feature.
Here follow the content of the function:
def ptest( shell, args ):
shell.println( '--- ptest MiniShell Plug-in demo ---')
shell.println( 'args count: %s' % len(args) )
for i in range( len(args) ):
shell.println( 'args[%i] = %s' % (i, args[i]) )
# All input should be made via the shell object
val = shell.readline( 'Your name: ')
shell.println( 'You entered: %s' % val)
# Must return a numeric value 0 = OK, >0 = Error
return 0
- mshell -> wifi connect (with fix IP)
- mshell -> support args parsing for "aa bbb"
- mshell -> fully support sub-directory (cd, pwd)
- mshell -> set : support environment variable
- mshell -> ls : multi columns
- mshell -> ls : display filesize?
- mshell -> reboot
- mshell -> find : find a file (find zumo)
- get.py -> get a file over wifi
Idea: Receive a file over the REPL line (with cat from host: cat file > /dev/ttyACM0 )