Disaster ALms is a web application developed using PHP and Mysql.
This project was the topic given from the National Level Hackaton called #HACKELITE-19
The main aim of the project is to provide the relief for the region affeccted by the Disaster such as Flood , Earthquake etc .
This project contains two actors
- ADMIN ( Govt or Any private Organization )
- User ( i.e, Donar )
- Victim ( i.e, Person Affected by the disaster )
Functionalites of ADMIN
- ADMIN can view who have donated how much of money .
- ADMIN can allocate the money for the relief
- Check the User Status
- Change his password
- Check the genuinity of the request
Functionalities of USER
- USER can donate the amount or Daily Needs based on the different categories
- USER can check the status of the Disaster
- USER can Change the password
- USER must signup if the account not exist
Functionalities of VICTIM
- Victim can approach to the donar , if no one is willing to help
- Victim can request for the Various categories is food , cloth , money
- Victim can provide the proof to show that the request is not geniune ( NOT FAKE )
- No need for the Signup
This project took 6th place in the National level hackaton .
Everyone was Happy and our Institution appriciated well .