Ring Router is a middleware for Ring based on Clout. It is designed to let you do routing of Ring handlers and only return the results of the first one that returns non nil.
This is designed to mimic the way Compojure handles request dispatching but without depending on a macro based DSL. Basically, if you like the idea of building your web app's central dispatch using an easy to read macro based DSL, then you should probably skip this library.
However, if you like the sound of fully composable handlers all the way down to your app's code then you've come to the right place.
add this to your project.clj dependencies
[ring-router "0.2-SNAPSHOT"]
a simple code sample
[(match-route handler1 :get "products/:id.html")
(match-route handler2 :put "products/:id.html")
(match-route handlerN nil "/*")])
a more complete example can be found here:
Copyright (C) 2010 Matt Clark
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.