A student accommodation app for CS4084 which allow users to create an account, login and then list rooms, view,filter & search listings, message listing owners etc. Users can also like listings, view listings on the map, view profile information including such things as liked and listed advertisements.
The site is viewable here with more information: https://group13android.github.io/househunter/
- Our app runs from android devices using API level 21 and above. To get the app runing on your device simply install the apk and run it.
- We created an Account for demo purposes. You can login with account using the following information:
- Email: goetz@demo.com
- Password: 123456
- To use certain functionality such as the map you must agree to location permissions first.
- To run the app from source code in Android Studio simply pull the latest code and run the app.
- There is no other dependencies or actions necessary
- Our project can be accessed through the firebase console here: https://console.firebase.google.com/project/accommodation-app-3ca55/overview