A PyTorch implementation of the models for the paper "Matching the Blanks: Distributional Similarity for Relation Learning" published in ACL 2019.
Note: This is not an official repo for the paper.
Run pretraining.py
with a YAML --conf_file
containing the following arguments:
# Data
data: data/cnn.txt # pre-training data.txt file path
normalization: # How to normalize the MTB-pretraining corpus
- lowercase # Apply lowercase
- html # Strip HTML tags
- urls # Remove URLs
# Model
transformer: bert-base-uncased # weight initialization (Should be huggingface BERT model)
# Training
batch_size: 32 # Training batch size
max_norm: 1.0 # Clipped gradient norm
epochs: 18 # Number of Epochs
lr: 0.0001 # learning rate
resume: False # Use this to resume the train job
Pre-training data can be any .txt continuous text file.
We use Spacy NLP to grab pairwise entities (within a window size of 40 tokens length) from the text to form relation statements for pre-training. Entities recognition are based on NER and dependency tree parsing of objects/subjects.
Run main_task.py
with a YAML --conf_file
containing the arguments below. Requires SemEval2010 Task 8 dataset, available here. Download & unzip to data/sem_eval
# Data
train_file: data/sem_eval/SemEval2010_task8_training/TRAIN_FILE.TXT
test_file: data/sem_eval/SemEval2010_task8_testing_keys/TEST_FILE_FULL.TXT
# Model
pretrained_mtb_model: models/MTB-pretraining/MTB-pretraining-small/bert-base-uncased/best_model.pth.tar
transformer: bert-base-uncased
# Training
batch_size: 64
max_norm: 1.0
epochs: 25
lr: 0.00007
resume: False
can be None
to use pretrained BERT coming from the transformers