This application is a vanilla implementation of Active Storage in rails 6.3
ActiveStorage is the recommended library for uploading images and files to a server or cloud server.
Before ActiveStorage a project called PaperClip was the recommended file manager.
None of the code in this project was ported from a PaperClip project instead this project is built from scratch using rails new
Do check out the commits as they are a good walkthrough on setting up ActiveStorage
How to easily install ruby and rails: (put the following in your terminal)
\curl -sSL | bash -s stable --rails
You will need to ask me for the master key for this application
to gain access to the aws bucket.
If you do not have the master.key you can find the example file here:
git clone
cd storageapp
rails s
- ActiveStorage image uploading to an aws s3 bucket
- Authenticaion (maybe simple solution or devise + omniauth.)
rails new storageapp rails g resource comment content:text
bin/rails active_storage:install bin/rails active_storage:install:migrations bin/rails db:migrate
EDITOR=vim rails credentials:edit # master key is required at this stage.