Welcom to TravelExpoBlog, Travel Agency Copmany's Website
This is the first and largest website about travel agency in Bangladesh. We have started our journey since 25th January 2019. We have experienced and hard working team and our prime goal is to provide best place where the travelers can share their experience with others.
Click this link to visit the live website: https://travelexpoblog.web.app/.
Here is the backend repository and live backend https://mighty-savannah-90389.herokuapp.com/ hosted on heroku.
React, Firebase, React Router, NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, Bootstrap, Material UI etc.
About TravelExpoBlog
This project is based on an online travel agency & fully responsive.
Users need to log in via Google or Email/Password (also create a new account).
Have admin and user/client dashboard. Admin can post new blog articles, Add a field to add a travel related image, manage all users/clients blog post, make new admin for the site, Add a field to add title.
For admin featured testing, log in via using email: test@test.com & password: #2021dev
User/client can post their travel experienc, can see all posted blogs, give reviews, etc.
Manage any user's post, andmake another user an Admin
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I have used
Context API
for state management and APIs request handle.
- Please use the following email and password to login as an Admin. You can't see the Admin Dashboard without login as an Admin.
- Email: test@test.com
- Password: #2021dev