{Game} = require 'binions'
{Player} = require 'binions'
{NoLimit} = require 'binions'
describe "Basic game", ->
beforeEach () ->
@noLimit = new NoLimit(10,20)
@players = []
chips = 1000
misterCallsAll =
update: (game) ->
for n in [0..6]
@players.push new Player(misterCallsAll, chips, n)
it "should play the game to completion with run()", (done) ->
game = new Game(@players, @noLimit)
game.on 'complete', ->
assert.ok game.winners.length > 0
- More tests on bet handlers(NoLimit)
- Players that only play certain pocket cards (eg, Kings or higer)
- Tight players
- Players that occasionally go all in