This is File Sharing App entirely made in Flutter. From this app, you can share images videos, and also you can interact with the sender locally.
- User can Share Files Locally (P2P)
- Sender/Reciever can Chat with the receiver
- Automatically Detect Receiver/Sender which is nearby
- Also Connect with the Sender/Reciever End through QR Code
- User can Share the apk files which are present on their phones
- User can create or join Groups
- Can Connect with 2 or more receivers and send file each them
- Each member can send messages in the group
- Join the group with QR Code
- Also, user can create a server locally and share a file through that server with any device
- User can Register in the app through Google Authentication
- User can store their private's file and share them with a unique private key
- Can Share Files publically
- Each member can access public files and can download them locally
- User can Search Files through Name or tags
- Can Search Files through Tags
- List of all files transfers that user did
- Can change their Name Also
You can check more ScreenShots in the folder name ScreenShot and PPT